What continuous monitor is better?Dexcom G4 vs. Abbott Freestyle Free - Diabetes Foro (2025)

What continuous monitor is better?Dexcom G4 vs. Abbott Freestyle Free - Diabetes Foro (1)

11/21/2014 10:43 a.m.

Since the Abbott Freestyle free market has come to the market, the discussions and comparisons with the Dexcom G4, now, ask all those who have tried it, which do you think do you think?And why?

Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.

Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.

11/21/2014 11:05 a.m.

Well, I am not going to comment on Abbott because I have not tried it, but for me it does not work (paying) because it is not automatic or has alarms.I would not sleep at ease (I would be as I was at the beginning with hypos almost every morning).I know some Dexcom user who has tried it.It will depend on the needs of each one, mine is covered by a Dexcom (or an Abbott Navigator II, the operation is even better, said by some Dexcom user), the free does not.



11/21/2014 11:21 a.m.

I support Paul's theory, despite not having tried it, to me the alarms and not being aware of glucose is the best.But better than anything sure, I hope that one day Social Security realizes our existence, perhaps if the Minister of Health debuted ... (but surely the Dexom and the Navigator II gets)

DM1 desde 2011 8 puntos Lantus. Todo esfuerzo traerá su recompensa ♥ Hemo 5.7

11/21/2014 1:17 p.m.

Let's see I have only tried the Dexcom.I am clear that for my rhythm of life the Free and the Navigator II is not worth it or idea because I have not seen anything.The alarms are essential for me and not constantly being passing the free because it would also be discomfort.The Dexcom is more expensive, well to me the sensors last for 3 weeks and I have to try another place but for friction and discomfort when I have not done it yet, I do tests with already used material.
I did not do the numbers lasting 3 weeks but I don't want to bother me either.
I have been 3 years without suffering a hypoglycemia, it is worth it if I really get more expensive for the quality of life and control that I have.
How many times, at least me, go to go with a good figure and without having explanation because you have not taken more hydrates, it goes up without explanation?And already about the hypos or talk.
What I also ask that nobody comes out now saying that we are not well controlled that is why it happens to us because I think I would not have much reason.
It is true that at home we squeeze more the belt but the tranquility for me and my family is priceless.
I think how my two previous companions.

Miembro del equipo moderador del foro.

Ultima prueba realizada:
Maratón San Petesrburgo (Rusia)

Prueba deportiva Ruta de las Fortalezas.

Facebook: Jorge Moto
Usuario Dexcom G6 y microinfusora Tandem T: Slim X2 Basal IQ

11/21/2014 1:47 p.m.

I have tried the 2 systems.If the question is with which one do you stay?Clearly with the Dexcom.Because?For the theme of alarms.
I have asymptomatic drops and for my work I can not be stopping to look at me, with the dexcom I put between 80 and 140 and I forget the sugar, if I whistle I have a room for maneuver to prevent drops or upsagreement.
With the freestyle, I have to be aware of remitting the receiver for him for the sensor and if I am linked doing things I forget to look at myself and when I do it it may already be in descent or with the 300 of the rebound so I avoid puncturesBut it does not avoid hypoglycemia unless every 10 minutes I am giving the Bracito.
And at night or comparison point, I sleep quietly, with the freestyle I have to keep putting the alarm clock and I still still, when I look I can already be down.
The story is in the price because in the functionality for me it is very clear.
Paying I keep the Dexcom, now if the freestyle gives me free for the SS, of course the freestyle, but today Dexcom because I don't even get at the same price when I last 4 weeks.
The one who does not have hypoglycemia problems: the freestyle but if there are or with children, dexcom

"Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro"

11/21/2014 3:30 p.m.

Free has two great advantages: you do not need a endo that prescribes it and even hard is a great advantage.I am sure that I and many libré users have it thanks to that.I'm sorry for many professionals but others put infinite obstacles and obstacles, and I am sure that my endo will tell me that Medtronic that we know is not worth it because my bomb is Medtronic and he works with Medtronic.I'm sorry but I see it that way, many of those who are buying it is thanks to that.Second the entrance price is lower, you can try it with a small outlay.My question is accuracy my experience with free for the regular moment.I do not know .... everything else earns dexcom.For a father how I think I try it with Libré and if you like it and you can end up buying Dexcom that is still superior although more expensive.In summary: Blessed I released that it will allow me to buy a dexcom

Padre de Jesús. Bomba insulina y dexcom g4 share. Debut con 18 meses....ya con 7 añitos...Hemo entorno a 7....y mucha lucha diaria.....ya sabéis..poco dormir y bastantes miedos....pero mi niño es feliz luego yo también.

11/21/2014 5:17 p.m.

If they had the same price, we would prefer the Dexcom, of course.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20

11/21/2014 5:37 p.m.

Papajesus1, for me the freestyle has no advantage over the Dexcom, I explain:
For the Dexcom it is not necessary to send you an endocrine, it is worth with the header doctor and it is not a prescription, indication or something ASï.What the doctor signs is a non -opposition to use it, exactly on the paper he puts "I guide such a declaration of not having any opposition to which Fulanito uses a continuous glucose measurement system", do not scratch you with what yousigns any doctor, the header, the pediatrician, the endocrine
And the price because it depends on each one ... Each Dexcom sensor costs € 93.5 but they last for a month so I get € 27 cheaper per month than the freestyle that would come out for € 120, I do not haveDoubts with which one I stay ...

"Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro"

11/22/2014 8:18 a.m.

Man an obvious advantage is the price of the device.Spend 1000 and peak euros on something and that surely next year another better comes out, and the next other, etc. For more than you stretch the sensors I do not think that you give you enough time to recover the investment.

Another advantage, for me the fundamental one, is the size of the sensor and what covers it.I am not able to imagine everything with the transmitter and dexcom cover.

The alarms is evident that for those who need it because there is no choice but to go for the dexcom, but in my case I would even bother me.

And the accuracy, I believe that the free has done a little cool with not needing calibration and perhaps that is why in some people, as children and others is not so accurate.I imagine that it can be calibrate too.Because having the option to put strips is nonsense not to take advantage of that advantage.

En 1922 descubrieron la insulina, en 1930 la insulina lenta. ¿Que c*** han hecho desde entonces?

11/22/2014 10:03 a.m.

They have already drawn a much smaller transmitter, the Slim and in 15 days it is in Spain.I personally hinder the freestyle in the arm than where I carry the Dexcom.
Regarding the initial investment, it is effectively more expensive but I have already done it so what I have to do with€ 75/month), € 120 Freestyle.
Regarding alarms, deactivate them as easy.
Let's not fool ourselves, the only advantage of freestyle over the Dexcom is the price and the rest is to speak to speak

"Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro"

11/22/2014 11:26 a.m.

In my son the free for the moment is failing.Many accuracy failures.I do not know how it will go to other parents but differences of 50 and false lows are hardly acceptable.

Padre de Jesús. Bomba insulina y dexcom g4 share. Debut con 18 meses....ya con 7 añitos...Hemo entorno a 7....y mucha lucha diaria.....ya sabéis..poco dormir y bastantes miedos....pero mi niño es feliz luego yo también.

11/22/2014 11:32 a.m.

This sensor has failed.We are going to let him with at least two weeks to night put me under 4 or 5 hours and it was false.

Padre de Jesús. Bomba insulina y dexcom g4 share. Debut con 18 meses....ya con 7 añitos...Hemo entorno a 7....y mucha lucha diaria.....ya sabéis..poco dormir y bastantes miedos....pero mi niño es feliz luego yo también.

11/22/2014 11:44 a.m.

The first days happened to me, all the time marking below 60 and I never really got off 95

"Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro"

11/22/2014 12:41 p.m.

What is very clear that with the Free even if we do not have to calibrate it the analyzes we cannot forget them because as Papajesus says and the results are not always so exact.Something has to distort the results and it is not known why it is.What is true that this is more and more free users.
What they have announced so much in their advertising and that the media have disseminated that the punctures have ended in the fingers is not entirely true.

Miembro del equipo moderador del foro.

Ultima prueba realizada:
Maratón San Petesrburgo (Rusia)

Prueba deportiva Ruta de las Fortalezas.

Facebook: Jorge Moto
Usuario Dexcom G6 y microinfusora Tandem T: Slim X2 Basal IQ

11/22/2014 2:02 p.m.

I think it is not that one is better than the other.Simply some people will be better for Dexcom and others Free.I have not tried either of them but to me, for how my diabetes is, I think that with free freestyle I would have enough since I have no night drops and during the day I do not usually have them and if I have them I notice them.Of course, I don't want to have to be taking out the glucometer and be clicking 5-6 times a day.
As for prices, Free generally comes out but there will be those who do not care to pay the Dexcom price because they really make their lives very much.

Dando guerra desde 1993 - DM1 desde 1998 - Bombera desde noviembre 2013.

11/25/2014 8:24 p.m.

I do not know if anyone will have the opportunity to measure at the same time the freestyle data and a blood glucose with Abbott strips.I have been curious and, where the sensor says 98, the strip says 97. Then, with bayer strips, a contour Next, goes up to 125. Testing on about 10 occasions.Capillary blood values ​​are interpolations based on statistical algorithms, the same happens with those provided by an interstitial fluid sensor.I have not tried the Dexcom, but my fingers are happy since I use free, and for now I notice the descent.

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11/28/2014 6:07 p.m.

Eye with the false night drops that the free marks you.In my case I have proven that when I sleep on the arm where I carry the sensor, I mark me all night, instead if I sleep without crushing the sensor the readings are correct.

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11/28/2014 7:26 p.m.

I sleep on that arm and do not mark night drops.

What is true is what another more said that sometimes (especially if the sugar is going down) it marks you as a descent and instead with the capillary you are 80. Although yesterday I thought that I did not pay attention to the Free notice (noI noticed the descent) and it turns out that it was 40 with the capillary analysis.

En 1922 descubrieron la insulina, en 1930 la insulina lenta. ¿Que c*** han hecho desde entonces?

11/29/2014 11:55 p.m.

Have you tried to put the sensor elsewhere?In Dexcom they say that only in the belly and we have seen it put it everywhere, even I do not put it in the belly.

Miembro del equipo moderador del foro.

Ultima prueba realizada:
Maratón San Petesrburgo (Rusia)

Prueba deportiva Ruta de las Fortalezas.

Facebook: Jorge Moto
Usuario Dexcom G6 y microinfusora Tandem T: Slim X2 Basal IQ

12/29/2014 10:27 p.m.

Hello, retaking the theme of continuous glucose meters Dexcom or Freestile Free I think that Freestyle can not be compared much for me seems to be a non -invasive glucometer the DEXCOMI have stopped using because it is veryside, reliable 100% alone10 days the transmitter only works 6m and then you have to develop 360 E, I bought the dex com they look plus and you let me 1200 e in the device and then changed the model and money lyingin the trash.The next model I save me because they changed my pump but to develop more paste good developer 360 of the transmitter and 320 from a sensor box.came to have porn anxiety attacks to know what I had every 5 min.Now I have overcome it and I no longer use it I use it again when the sensors are worth 10 e.I have learned to identify my hypos and react to them.I am tired of being the bread of the laboratories and if everyone stops using these quiizas devices would go down prices.30 ago they did not exist and we lived the same, well something worse I am from the era of insulin Porcinkaa but here I am quite acceptable and for the moment without complications.I prefer to save the money from the sensors to travel, make an almost ta in the field and leave some inheritance to my daughters.I think if the users of the COM told the spent money, many would have the mortgage already paid.I think that free freestyle already covers my non -invasive glucometer experiences.

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What continuous monitor is better?Dexcom G4 vs. Abbott Freestyle Free - Diabetes Foro (22)

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What continuous monitor is better?Dexcom G4 vs. Abbott Freestyle Free - Diabetes Foro (2025)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.