This slow cooker Christmas cake recipe is super easy (2024)

Want to know why team Real Homes is making Christmas cake in a slow cooker this year? We'll let you in on a secret: slow cooking your Christmas cake costs half what it costs to bake it in a conventional electric oven.

It's a very simple price comparison: running a slow cooker costs around 10 cents an hour. Running an average electric oven, on the other hand, will cost around 20 cents an hour. When you think about all the different things you'll need to bake, boil, and fry during the festive season, you can imagine those energy bills really climbing up.

This slow cooker Christmas cake recipe is guaranteed to save you money on electricity - and not turn your cake dry... In fact, we'll wager that this slow cooker recipe may well deliver a better Christmas cake than traditional methods. Just make sure you don't hold back on ingredients: this is a 'hungry' cake that will take all you can give it, including plenty of booze. Being generous with ingredients will prevent your cake from drying out – which, let's face it, no amount of icing on top will rescue.

Slow cookers are so useful for making Christmas cake, because it's much less likely your cake will burn or dry out than when making it in a cake tin in the oven. Below, we're sharing our favorite slow cooker Christmas cake recipe. As a precaution, and to make it easier to turn out, we recommend lining your slow cooker with foil before putting in the cake mix. Alternatively, use a silicone cake mold – it'll prevent the cake from sticking to the sides of your slow cooker and is safe to use.

Slow cooker Christmas cake recipe

The beauty of this recipe is that you can really experiment with what you like best. More/different fruit? Not a problem. More/another type of booze? Again, try out different types to see what you enjoy the most. Will it be sherry or whisky? Finally, there's the question of icing or no icing. This recipe does not require icing, because we like serving our Christmas cake with clotted cream. But there's nothing stopping you smothering your cake in as much icing as you like if you like it that way (or how about salted caramel flavored buttercream?) For our juicy version of the Christmas cake, you will need:

  • Large eggs, three;
  • Plain flour, 250 grams;
  • Brandy, 200 ml + extra for impregnating the cake afterwards;
  • Raisins, sultanas, sweetened dried cranberries, glace cherries, 200 grams each;
  • Butter, melted, 200 grams;
  • Treacle/molasses/syrup, two to four tablespoons;
  • Cinnamon, one teaspoon;
  • Brown sugar, four tablespoons;
  • Ground almonds, 100 grams;
  • The zest and juice of a large orange

1. Mix the eggs, flour, and butter

The first step is mixing the eggs, flour, and the melted butter. Beat the eggs vigorously, then add in the flour gradually. Don't add it in all at once as it'll go lumpy. Then, slowly pour in the butter.

2. Mix in the sugar

Mix in both types of sugar, until the mixture is smooth. Again, you're best off mixing in the sugar slowly and gradually to make sure it's completely blended in.

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3. Add the citrus, alcohol, and spices

Add the ground almonds, orange zest and juice, cinnamon, and the brandy. Keep mixing until uniform.

4. Add the fruit

You'll want to make sure it's evenly distributed throughout the cake mixture. The reason the fruit goes in last is that you want a smooth cake batter by the time you add it in. You may find that distributing the fruit through the cake mix with your hands gives you the most even coverage.

5. Pour the mixture into the cake mold

Pour the mixture into your pre-lined slow cooker/cake mold (to go inside the slow cooker).

6. Turn on the slow cooker

Cook on medium for three to four hours or slow for four to five hours, or until the cake is a golden brown color on top.

6. Take the cake out of the slow cooker

It's time to take the cake out of the slow cooker and out of the mold if using one. Then, make a few small holes in the top of the cake with the tip of a knife; drizzle a little more brandy. Discard any that ends up collecting at the bottom of the cake.

7. Let the cake cool

It's very important to follow this step if you are icing your cake, or you'll end up with messy icing. Let the cake cool completely before pouring over your icing. To make the icing, simply follow the instructions on your icing pack.

7. Plate and serve

Serve on its own if iced, or with cream/brandy cream if having without.

How to store Christmas cake

If you're baking your Christmas cake in advance, you'll want to make sure it's stored correctly to prevent it drying out. The best way to do this is by wrapping your cake in foil – twice, placing it in an airtight container, and then putting it away in a cupboard. It's not necessary to keep your cake in the fridge, but make sure it's kept out of direct sunlight and sources of heat.

What is the best alcohol to use for Christmas cake?

Eric Sornoso, co-founder, meal blogger and recipe developer at Mealfan, recommends using bourbon or rum as both 'go well with the cake.'

Megan Ayala, a food and nutrition specialist at Patricia and Carolyn, has a special preference for Bacardi Gold 'because of its sweet, smooth flavor. It blends perfectly with all the ingredients and doesn’t overpower the cake or make it taste alcohol-y.'

If you don't like using alcohol, you can use apple juice or extra orange juice in your cake.

Is foil safe to use in the slow cooker?

Yes, foil is definitely safe to use in the slow cooker and you can use it if you don't have a silicone mold. It'll do the job of preventing the cake from sticking to the sides of the cooker.

This slow cooker Christmas cake recipe is super easy (2024)


Why is my Christmas cake hard? ›

Now my cake is too dry

Maybe you've over baked it, or didn't use enough liquid/ not enough eggs, if the recipe says use large eggs and you haven't got large, use an extra egg, size matters! Using too much raising agents will also make for a dry cake.

Can you put a metal cake tin in a slow cooker? ›

If you can fit one in you can also put a metal cake tin (round or loaf tin) in your slow cooker pot, and bake your cake in that. To stop moisture from the slow cooker lid dripping onto your bake put a tea/dish towel under the lid. A few sheets of kitchen roll folded over will also do the same job.

How long before Christmas should I make the cake? ›

Opinions on the "maturing" of Christmas cakes does vary and is partly an issue of personal taste, but for the rich fruit type of Christmas cakes we would suggest making them up to 3 months ahead of Christmas.

Why put foil under lid of slow cooker? ›

The heat bounces off from the lid and allows your food to cook faster. Also, you will not lose any of the steam that usually evaporates.

Is it safe to leave a tea towel under the lid of slow cooker? ›

However it is totally personal choice if you feel this is safe for you to do or not with your slow cooker. Please make the decision for yourself on what you feel safe doing. It is not recommended to use the tea towel in general recipe cooking simply as a measure to reduce liquid in your every day slow cooking dish.

Can you put too much brandy in a Christmas cake? ›

It's possible to overfeed your cake, which will make it stodgy and wet. Our advice is to feed it once after it's initially baked, then no more than four times during the maturation period. Try a teaspoonful of whichever alcohol you've chosen before you begin feeding your cake to test its strength.

How often should you moisten a Christmas cake? ›

  1. It is best to feed your cake, every fortnight from when it has been baked. ...
  2. Using a skewer, prick several holes into the top of your cake. ...
  3. Spoon over 1-2 tbsp of the alcohol/fruit juice of your choice ensuring that the whole cake is evenly covered.

How long should you soak fruit for Christmas cake? ›

Most recipes call for dried fruit to be soaked overnight. I take a speedy approach: just microwave the dried fruit with juice and/or brandy, then stand for 1 hour to soak up the liquid. So much faster – and just as effective! Other than that, there's nothing unusual about how this fruit cake is made.

Can I put aluminum foil in a crockpot? ›

Using foil in slow cookers can make serving easy, particularly with casserole recipes. Plus, you can wrap chicken in a foil packet and set it on top of all the other ingredients in the slow cooker, which can lead to more evenly cooked meat. So go ahead and use foil in your slow cooker, because those things are magic.

Is it better to bake a cake in a glass pan or metal? ›

Aluminum is good for cakes, bars, and pies—but also for breads: focaccia, sandwich loaves, and rolls. Because metal heats up faster than glass, it contributes to a better rise and crisper, browner edges.

What can I line my slow cooker with? ›

To use the slow cooker for delicate dishes like salmon, or harder-to-remove items like stuffed peppers and baked goods, line it with a piece of parchment paper or aluminum foil that is long enough to come over the sides. The cooked food can then be easily lifted out and transferred to a serving platter fully intact.

Is October too early to make Christmas cake? ›

This is a question I get asked a lot and my answer is early November. Yes this seems early, but there are two key things that make a Christmas cake extra tasty and that is…

What's the difference between a fruit cake and a Christmas cake? ›

Christmas cakes are also commonly made with pudding while a fruit cake uses butter, however there are Christmas cake recipes that do contain butter. The traditional Scottish Christmas cake, also known as the Whisky Dundee, is very popular. It is a light crumbly cake with currants, raisins, cherries and Scotch whisky.

What alcohol is good for fruit cake? ›

Other good choices of booze include brandy, rum, or whiskey. Feel free to use one or a mix of these to best complement your fruitcake. Once you've chosen the liquor, bake the cake, poke holes throughout the whole thing, and pour a few tablespoons of the alcohol over it. Or, you can brush the cake with the alcohol.

How to absorb moisture in a slow cooker? ›

Soak up condensation by lining the lid.

When using slow cookers as a water bath for custards, place a double layer of paper towels over the top of the cooker before closing the lid. As DiGregorio writes: “The paper towels soak up the steam and prevent it from dripping back down onto the surface of the custard”.

How to stop a slow cooker from being watery? ›

5 Tips for Thickening Slow Cooker Soups, Stews, and Sauces
  1. Prop the lid up for evaporation.
  2. Purée your soup or stew a little.
  3. Add a slurry at the end.
  4. Enrich with canned milk.
  5. Add a little starch.

Why do people put plastic bags in slow cooker? ›

Slow cooker bags line the base of your slow cooker to prevent food from making the inside of the pot dirty. Once the base of the pot is lined with the slow cooker bag, you can then add food and turn on your slow cooker. Most slow cooker bags are made to fit 3-7 quart oval and round slow cookers.

How do I reduce the liquid in my slow cooker? ›

If it comes to serving and you open your slow cooker to find a watery sauce, never fear we have an easy answer. Take the lid off, turn the machine up to high heat and leave it for 30-45 minutes to let excess moisture cook off. The liquid will reduce, leaving you with a thick and delicious gravy or sauce.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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