The Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe (2024)

“Let’s Make Happy Chocolate That Makes People Happy & Healthy”
(Thisis how it all started)

The Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe (1)When it comes to chocolate, it is a very simple story. Chocolate makes us happy, it tastes fantastic, and it has a very appealing aroma. It seems that everybody loves chocolate. But, can you enjoy good chocolate when you are trying to get rid of candida or in a middle of a cleanse? How about when you go a super low-carb diet trying to lose weight?

We have great news, the answer is yes, you can! Due to many of your requests (over 50% of all recipe requests, but who’s counting…) we are finally bringing you our famous Happy Detox Chocolate Dream exact step by step recipe!

What is So Unique About The Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe?

This chocolate recipe is specifically designed tohelp your body naturally fight candida and excess yeast, as well as supporting natural cleansing and detoxification.

But this is just the beginning:
if you have ever experiencedbrain fog, mood swings, low mental energy and other mind-body balance die-offsymptoms, thisrecipe may help to lift up your spirit, providing you non-jitterypure energy, mental clarity, focus, great mood and positive attitude!

And the great part – it is made of only natural healthy whole-foods, completely vegan, dairy & gluten free, it’s very low on carbs & sugars, doesn’t require a food processor, blending or cooking, and takes less than 10 min to make. Kids love it too.
It is also a nutritional powerhouse! one serving typically provides your body with:

  • As much protein as 2 cups of milk
  • Morehealthy Omega-3 than4 oz Salmon
  • Over 50% of your fiber, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorusand zinc daily values
  • Antioxidants, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and live enzymes

Sounds like a happydream, right? Well, that’s how it got its name 🙂

What People Say About Our HappyDetox Chocolate Dream Recipe

It took us quite some time with long and extensive testing to finalize this recipe. As you have probably noticed, we always ask for your feedback and suggestions…this is our chance to pause for a moment and thank you all for your fantastic feedback; it has helped us tremendously in perfecting therecipe.
To summarize all thefeedback and testing results, most people report happiness, sense of well-being, and a positive attitude coupled with improved clarity, focus and concentration. Many have actually used the words “inspired”, “motivated” and “creative” to describe how they felt. In general, people felt they had more energy and desire to be more active. They gotinspired todo things they love doing, while often finding creative new ways of doing them.As for the taste, everyone loves the flavor and texture. It literally melts in your mouth.
The Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe (2)

What AreThe Possible Health Benefits of The Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe

  • Mental energy, clarity, focus &concentration
  • Happiness, Positive attitude &“lifted” mood
  • Powerful anti-fungal, antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties
  • Superior nutritional profile, very rich in protein,healthy omega-3fatty acids, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, live enzymes and antioxidants

The Right & Wrong Ways to Consume Chocolate

The Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe (3)Chocolate is made from the beans and seeds of the cacao tree and has been consumed for many centuries. In its naturalunprocessed form it is a very goodsource ofminerals, antioxidants, and other health promoting nutrients.
It is believed that the ancient Mayans were one of thefirst cultureswho consumed chocolate, in a bitter drink made ofcrushed cacaobeans, hot chili peppers, and water.Referred toas“food of the gods”, it was oftenconsumed during ceremonies and celebrations as a way to lift the spirit up and sharpen the mindandsenses.

Why Chocolate Got a Bad Rap

Most of the chocolate that is found at the stores these days (including health stores) has changed quite a bitfrom the original 2 ingredient drink made by the Mayans. Modern chocolate isa highlyprocessed food, usually made with a high percentage of sugars, processedfats, artificial ingredients, and other chemicals making it a very unhealthy junk food.Many chocolate products have very little cacao in them and include large amount ofdairy or milk derived by-products. According to research, dairy mayinhibit the absorption of cacao’s healthy nutrients in the body, especiallyantioxidants and minerals (source).
Other alternatives that are labeled as low-carbs, typically use artificial sweeteners and synthetic chemicals that are linked to many health issues. In addition, most of them simply do not taste very good.
Lastly, there are the chocolates that are labeled as healthy – all natural – organic – raw and dairy free thatusually containmore natural unprocessed cacao which is a good thing. The problem is usually with the amount of sugars…these natural chocolates are often very high in sugars such as honey, agave, maple syrup and others. All of these are indeed natural, but it is still highly questionable whether any of these chocolate products canbe considered as a healthy source of nutrients.

The Best Way to Consume Our Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe

Some of the naturally occurring ingredients found in cacao havea stimulant effect; it is bestto enjoy this natural increase in mental energyat times when youfeel down (but not sick!), have brain fog, need a little mental boost, or would like to increase your clarity, inspiration, focus or concentration. Good examples are before socialevents, speeches, tests, when making art, writing, playing music and others; just like the ancient Mayans !
An ideal way to consume the Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipeis as a snack on an empty stomach, away from other foods.

  • Tip: OurHappy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipeis in fact a completemeal that is very healthy, potent andpackedwith super healthy nutrients. This recipe is very potent, little goes a long way ! Watch fortheserving size and start with half a serving to see how you feel. To optimize the absorption and theeffect, chew well, let it melt in your mouth turning it into a liquid consistency before swallowing

The Exact Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe

Working with Coconut Oil &CoconutButter

The Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe (5)Coconut oil and coconut butter naturally solidify below 75 degrees Fahrenheit (25°C).
When making this recipe, it is much easier to work with bothwhen they are in theirliquid state which normally happens in room temperature during summer times.
If they are still solid, put their container inside a bowl withwarm water (a little above 75 degrees Fahrenheit) for a few minutes. Heating them on the stove is not needed and also not recommended since we want to keep all their nutrients intact and “live”.

Ingredients – TheHappy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe – The exact recipe
2-4 Servings

The Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe (6)IMPORTANT: The ingredients in this sectionare specifically designed to work in synergy with each otherand should always be included as a part of the recipe to ensure you enjoy the amazing experience and its many health promoting properties.
Itis the “core” of the recipe and the primarysource of nutrients and detoxification benefits.
Candida Specialists Team

The optional ingredients in the next section are designed toenhance the flavor and yourexperience per your individual preference.
We included all our comments in purple aboutthe benefits of each ingredient and the reason they are included.
Let’s make the dream come true, shall we ?

  • Cacao Powder (¼ cup, choose raw organic & stone ground)
    • mental energy and mood enhancer, highin minerals and fiber, strong antioxidant, withthe flavor & aroma we all love!
  • Coconut Oil (¼ cup, choose extra virgin cold pressedraw & organic)
    • anti-fungal, brain food,energy, sweet exotic aroma
  • Coconut Butter (1-4 tablespoons, choose raw & organic)
    • in addition to theanti-fungal, brain and energy benefits of coconut oil, coconut butter also has the other nutrients found in whole coconuts such as fiber, protein, healthy fats and minerals
    • adds buttery & creamy texture, with strongcoconutaroma & flavor (much stronger than the coconut oil). The secret is adding just enough coconut butter tocompliment and“enrich” thechocolateflavor but not too much as it can overtake thechocolateflavor
    • make sure it is 100% pure organic, raw (heating can alter the fatty acids composition andnutrients) and that nothing but coconut is added. Our favorite brand is Sacred Foods coconut butter which is raw, organic and also stone-ground. The stone-ground process preserves the nutrients and provides a very smooth texture with a verysweet taste. It is much sweeter than any other coconut butter products we have tested, which is one of the keys in making a greatchocolatea “true culinary experience”. It is also very helpful in satisfying craving for sweetsin a safe andhealthyway.
  • BrainON(1-4 teaspoons) learn more about BrainON
    • brings the power of green superfoods to this recipe
    • one of nature’s most powerful mind-body, brain & mood boosting whole-foods, as well as thehighest known source of chlorophyll in nature.
    • superiornutritionalprofile with over 65vitamins, minerals, amino acids, live enzymes, antioxidants and essential fatty acids, all in a form that is easily utilized by the body
  • Hemp Seeds (2-4 oz)
    • very good source of protein, healthy omega 3, vitamins and minerals
    • adds pleasant nutty flavor &fluffy texture
  • Stevia (to taste)
    • natural plant basedsweetenerthat hasminimalimpact on blood sugar.Typicalserving size has no calories orcarbs
    • tip: little goes a long way !if you find yourself adding more than 2-4 teaspoonsof steviaand still notsatisfiedwith thesweetness, consider experimenting with the Himalayan pink salt, since salt brings out other flavors

    Optional Ingredients for EnhancedFlavor &Experience
    optional – but super fun & highlyrecommended!

    • Ground Cayenne or ground hot chilies(to taste)
      • detox, circulation, strong anti-inflammatory, makes other ingredients work better
    • Vanilla bean powder(1-4 teaspoons)
      • brings the sweet chocolate flavor over the dark “bitter” cacao flavor. If youprefer milkchocolate “sweet”flavor, you should consider adding the vanilla bean powder
    • Mesquite powder(1-2 tablespoons, choose raw organic)
      • adds the sweet nutty –caramelnatural flavor of this famous plant. A perfect fit formilkchocolate lovers, low impact on blood sugarlevels& glycemic index
    • Ground Cinnamon (to taste)
      • anti-fungal, blood sugar stabilizer, with uniqueflavor& aroma many like
    • Himalayan pink salt(to taste)
      • natural healthy salt, rich in traces minerals, gourmet flavor, brings out other flavors
    • Cacao Nibs(1 oz, choose raw & organic)
      • for enhanced nutrients and extra crunchiness many like. The cacao powder isactually made fromthe cacao nibs


    • Mix thecoconut oil with the BrainON in a round glass bowl; These mix easily usinga spoon. Add the cacao powder, mix & whisk. Once they are mixed, add the hemp seeds andwhisk well until the hemp seeds are evenly mixed.
    • Gradually add the coconut butteruntil you reach thedesire texture and “creamy buttery” flavor. The coconut butteradds richness to the flavor and thickens the texture
      • In our testing, most peoplepreferredthe “chunky” texture that was made by hand without using a blender or afoodprocessor. If you prefer a complete smootherconsistency, youcan use these at thelowestspeed (should not take more than 10 seconds).
    • Taste and add the stevia and the other optional ingredients of your choiceuntil you get the desired taste and texture
      • Reminder: salt brings out flavors. If you find yourself adding more than 2-4 teaspoons of stevia and still not satisfied with the sweetness, consider experimenting with the Himalayan pink salt.
      • If you choose to add theground cayenne or hotchilies, remember that a little kick is all it takes to activate theireffect.
    • Pour into chocolate moldsand put into the fridge, your amazing chocolate will be ready to eat in 1-3 hours !
      • Tip: many people like to add an extra 1 oz hemp seeds and cacao nibs into the chocolate molds beforepouring thechocolate, so theyappear in the outside of yourchocolate, creating another layer of flavor andcrunchinessas well as boosting thenutrientsfurther.

    About Variation & Live Food

    This is a “live” raw whole-foods natural recipe, and as such, your experience (taste & feel) may differ per the source of the ingredients. One example is the source of the cacao; the cacao variety, the way it was grown, its location, time of the year it was harvested, its freshness and many other factors can impact itsnutrients content. It can also affectthe flavor, the way itmakes youfeel, and also the quantities used. For this reason, when making the recipe, it is important to adjust accordingly so you will have the best happy experience.

    Congrats ! You just made your ownuniqueHappy Detox Chocolate Dream !

    The Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe (7)

    • Did you just make the best happy detox chocolate ever ?
      Share your masterpiece with the world and comment !
    TOP COMMENTS & FEEDBACK – Thank you all!!!!
    • “Put in freezer instead of refrigerator”
    • “Greatbefore workouts
      (energy & mind-muscle connection)
    • “Use freshBrainON instead of powder”
      (fresh taste and faster effect)
    • “Use mesquite powder”
      (adds sweet caramel flavor, kids love it)
    • “Add cacao nibs”
      (for extra crunchiness)
    • “Replaced my morning coffee,gave me energy, focus and good mood all day without crash, and also reduced my cravings”
    Share your comments or suggestions

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    The Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe (2024)
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    Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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    Views: 5341

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    Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

    Birthday: 1992-08-21

    Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

    Phone: +331850833384

    Job: District Real-Estate Architect

    Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

    Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.