Preserve Your Trophy: How to Keep Velvet on Antlers (2024)

Antlers are an iconic symbol of the hunt and a trophy for any hunter.

After all, who doesn’t love admiring those majestic antlers?

But before you can show off your prized catch to friends or family, it’s important to preserve velvet on antlers so they stay in pristine condition.

From popular sprays that claim to work wonders for preserving velvet on antlers, to methods after the kill – there’s a lot more than meets the eye when it comes down to properly caring for your prize possession.

Let us explore how best we can go about protecting our trophies with techniques designed specifically around preserve velvet on antlers.

For our visual learners out there, check out this helpful video on preserving velvet:

What is Velvet on Antlers?

Velvet on antlers is a type of soft, velvety fur that covers the growing antlers of male deer, elk and other species.

This velvet is made up of tiny hairs called “velvetine” which are incredibly sensitive to touch. The velvet helps protect the antler from damage while it grows in size and shape throughout the year. It also provides nourishment to the bone as it develops by supplying oxygen and nutrients through its blood vessels.

Velvet on antlers is a fuzzy, velvety fur that coats the developing headgear of male cervids and other species like elk, moose, caribou, reindeer, sambar deer, fallow deer, chital deer and muntjac. This velvet is made up of tiny hairs called “velvetine” which are incredibly sensitive to touch due to their many nerve endings.

Benefits of Preserving Velvet on Antlers:

There are several benefits associated with preserving velvet on antlers when hunting or trapping animals with them during mating season or rutting period (the time when males compete for mates).

For one thing, preserving this material allows hunters to keep their trophy in its original condition without having to remove any part from it before mounting or displaying it later down the line.

Additionally, preserving this material can help maintain an animal’s natural beauty since some believe that removing too much can detract from its overall aesthetic appeal over time.

Finally keeping this material intact will help preserve valuable DNA evidence if needed for future research purposes as well as providing more accurate age estimates for aging studies conducted by wildlife biologists and researchers alike.

Velvet on antlers is an important part of a hunter’s trophy, so it is essential to understand how to properly preserve the velvet. Read on for tips and methods to successfully preserve velvet on antlers.

Key Takeaway: Preserving velvet on antlers can help maintain the animal’s natural beauty, preserve valuable DNA evidence, and provide more accurate age estimates for aging studies.

How to Preserve Velvet on Antlers?

Preserving velvet on antlers is a popular practice among hunters, especially those who hunt for trophy animals.

Velvet on antlers can be preserved in order to maintain the integrity of the animal’s head and create a more impressive display piece. Various techniques exist for preserving the velvet on antlers, yet it is essential to comprehend how each one operates before attempting any kind of preservation.

The initial step for protecting velvet on antlers is to guarantee that the creature has been ethically and humanely taken. Once this has been done, it is important to take steps immediately after harvesting the animal in order to prevent damage or discoloration of the velvet.

This includes removing all dirt and debris from around the base of the antler as well as gently brushing away any excess blood or tissue with a soft brush. It is also important not to touch or handle the velvet directly during this process as oils from your hands may cause discoloration over time.

A popular approach to preserving velvet on antlers is the utilization of an aerosol spray, such as Freeze-Dry Taxidermy Spray or Freeze-Dry Taxidermy Foam Sealant. This type of product will help protect against moisture while maintaining flexibility and coloration within the material itself.

Alternatively, a clear coat sealer like Krylon Clear Coat can be applied for additional protection from UV rays; however, it should still allow some breathability so that air can circulate around your trophy mount without causing damage due to excessive humidity levels in its environment.

Preserving velvet on antlers is an important part of the hunting process. It can help to preserve a trophy and ensure that it lasts for years to come. The following steps, methods, and tips will help you successfully preserve velvet on antlers.

Steps for Properly Preserving Velvet on Antlers:

1. Remove any excess dirt or debris from the antler using a soft brush or cloth.

2. Use rubbing alcohol to clean the entire surface of the antler including around any cracks or crevices where dirt may be lodged in order to prevent bacteria growth and discoloration over time.

3. Apply a thin layer of wax polish specifically designed for preserving deer antlers with a soft cloth and buff until it shines evenly across all surfaces of the antler(s).

4. Hang your newly polished set of horns in an area away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and moisture which could cause damage over time such as cracking or fading colors due to UV exposure from sunlight rays if left unprotected outdoors too long without proper care/maintenance .

Popular Methods for Preserving Velvet on Antlers:

Freezing is another popular method employed by hunters when preserving velvet on their trophies. This technique helps to prevent bacteria growth and mold formation during storage periods between hunts, which vary depending on geographical location and changing climates throughout the year.

To freeze horns for preservation purposes, place them in sealed plastic bags filled with dry ice cubes overnight before carefully removing them after twelve hours have passed.

Next, wipe down gently using a lint-free cloth dampened slightly with warm water mixed with a few drops of mild dish detergent solution applied directly onto the surface areas being cleaned off prior to waxing up afterwards once dried completely again.

Tips For Successfully Preserving Velvet On Antlers:

By following the steps, using the right methods and products, and taking extra care when preserving velvet on antlers, hunters can ensure that their prized trophies look their best for years to come. Now let’s take a closer look at whether sprays really work in preserving velvet on antlers.

Key Takeaway: Key takeaway: Preserving velvet on antlers requires proper harvesting of the animal, removal of dirt and debris, and application of aerosol sprays or clear coat sealers to protect against moisture and UV rays while allowing air circulation.

Do Sprays Really Work?

Sprays are a popular method of preserving velvet on antlers, but do they really work? While sprays can be effective in preserving velvet on antlers, there are pros and cons to using them.


Sprays can provide an easy way to preserve the velvet on your trophy antler without having to go through more complicated methods such as drying or tanning. They also help protect the velvet from dirt and dust which can cause discoloration over time.

Additionally, some sprays contain ingredients that act as natural preservatives which will help keep the velvet looking fresh for longer periods of time.


A potential drawback of employing aerosols is that they may not endure as long as other means of conservation, such as desiccation or tanning.

Additionally, some sprays contain harsh chemicals that could potentially damage the delicate hairs of the velvet if used improperly or left on too long.

Finally, certain types of spray may not be suitable for all types of animal hides so it’s important to research what type would best suit your needs before applying any product onto your trophy antler.

Popular Sprays Used To Preserve Velvet On Antlers:

There are many different types of spray available for use when preserving velvet on antlers including water-based products like Armor All Protectant Spray and oil-based products like Otter Wax Leather Care Kit & Conditioner Spray.

Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to read up about each one before making a decision about which one you should use for your particular situation.

Yes, the type of spray matters. Different types of sprays have different properties that make them better suited for certain applications than others, so it is important to choose carefully when selecting a product for preserving your trophy antlers with velveted hair still attached.

Oil-based sprays may present superior protection from moisture loss due to their thicker consistency in comparison with water-based solutions, while the latter often provide a less greasy feel. Ultimately though, choosing the right product comes down personal preference since everyone’s needs vary depending upon their individual circ*mstances.

Spraying to preserve velvet on antlers can be a helpful solution, yet it is essential to comprehend the potential benefits and drawbacks of using them. To ensure successful preservation, proper post-kill care must also be taken into account.

Let’s now explore best practices for immediately after killing an animal with velveted antlers and how long you should wait before removing the velvet from the antler.

Key Takeaway: The consequence to draw is that, when it comes to preserving velvet on antlers, aerosols can be a viable choice; however, selecting the appropriate spray for your particular needs is of utmost importance as various types of sprays possess different characteristics.

What to Do After the Kill?

Killing an animal with velveted antlers is a special moment for any hunter. Subsequent to the hunt, certain procedures must be undertaken in order to guarantee the protection of your memento.

Best Practices for Immediately After Killing an Animal with Velveted Antlers:

The first step after killing an animal with velveted antlers is to keep it cool and dry as soon as possible.

This can be done by placing the carcass in a shady spot or using ice packs if available. It’s also important to avoid dragging or moving the carcass too much during this time, as this could damage the velvet on its antlers.

Caring for Your Trophy After Preservation

Caring for your trophy after preservation is an important part of the hunting experience. Properly caring for and displaying your trophy will ensure that it lasts a lifetime. Here are some tips to help you maintain and display your prized possession:

Tips for Maintaining and Displaying Your Trophy After Preservation:

The first step in maintaining and displaying your trophy is to make sure it is properly preserved. Once the preservation process is complete, it’s essential to take measures such as avoiding direct sunlight, dust and humidity to keep your trophy in top condition.

Once the antlers have been properly preserved, you can then choose how to display them. Some popular options include mounting them on a plaque or wall mount, or simply placing them in a glass case with lights shining down on them from above. It’s also important to keep in mind that antlers can be fragile so handle with care when moving or cleaning them.

Proper Storage Techniques for Your Trophy After Preservation: Proper storage techniques are essential when preserving velvet on antlers because they protect against damage caused by extreme temperatures and moisture levels.

When storing antlers indoors make sure they are kept away from any sources of heat like radiators or fireplaces; if possible store them in a cool dry place like an attic space where there isn’t much fluctuation in temperature throughout the year. If storing outdoors try to find a spot that gets plenty of shade during hot summer months but still has good air circulation; this will help prevent mold growth which could ruin the velvet coating over time.

Cleaning and polishing your trophy after preservation helps keep its luster intact while protecting against dirt buildup over time. Start by wiping down each side with a soft cloth dampened with water; use gentle circular motions until all dirt has been removed before drying off completely with another clean cloth afterwards (do not use harsh chemicals).

Next, apply polish specifically designed for antler trophies – these usually come in liquid form – following directions carefully before buffing out any excess residue left behind using another soft cloth until the desired shine is achieved.

Key Takeaway: Preserving velvet on antlers requires proper storage techniques, cleaning and polishing with the right products, and careful handling to ensure a long-lasting trophy.

FAQs in Relation to How to Preserve Velvet on Antlers

Can you preserve velvet deer antlers?

Yes, you can preserve velvet deer antlers. To preserve velvet deer antlers, it’s recommended to dry them in a cool, arid environment and then cover with a transparent sealant or varnish for defense from humidity and dirt.

The best way to ensure that your antlers are preserved for years to come is to store them in an airtight container away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. It is essential to keep the antlers away from curious little hands or paws, so as to ensure their long-term preservation. With proper care, your velvet deer antlers can be preserved for many years.

What to put on antlers to preserve?

The best way to preserve antlers is by using a combination of products. First, use a specialized cleaning solution designed specifically for antlers to remove dirt and debris. Subsequently, cover the antler with a layer of wax or polyurethane to protect it from humidity and other environmental factors.

Finally, spray an acrylic-based clear coat over the entire surface for added protection against UV rays and wear and tear. With these steps in place, your prized trophy will be preserved for years to come.

How long does velvet last on deer antler?

Velvet on deer antlers typically lasts anywhere from three to five months, depending on the age of the animal and environmental conditions. During this time, the velvet is responsible for providing nutrients and oxygen to the growing antler.

As summer approaches, temperatures rise and humidity levels drop; this causes a decrease in blood flow to the velvet which eventually leads to its death. Once dead, it begins to dry out and slough off naturally or can be scraped away by hunters if they want a hard horned look.

Regardless of how it is removed, the velvet will not grow back and the antlers are left in their final form.


Maintaining velvet on antlers is a vital part of the hunting experience, and it’s worth devoting time to do correctly. With proper care and maintenance, you can ensure that your trophy will last for years to come.

Whether you choose a spray or other method of preservation, make sure to follow all instructions carefully in order to preserve velvet on antlers properly. Doing so will help you create lasting memories from your hunt.

Preserve Your Trophy: How to Keep Velvet on Antlers (2024)
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