Petaluma Daily Morning Courier from Petaluma, California (2024)

1 TitixnmminMMMii I I rn GOURIEB 1 1 v. so vr As court MO IXINO, APRIL 184. 10 CTS. A WEEK DAILY PROFESSIONAL JArtLt NKW AD KK1 HE 1 KNTS. NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS.

Robert Koenigi b'l't Iiimiiics, li nal to fif Mn rolfinloH. Tim district utto-ney the tlrtt 4iaki-r. followed by Mitr. illr) ion, oi1 rnlr the mlnautltirnirtriil' ji'iir, Mww i biiu 'KD'l hhi lfe. iieijjhbor iuvetUd Ilia itorjr Uiat Mr.

Hull ii i been ptuttutiog hit ffotini tu CONNIFFS CASE. The Preliminary Examination Held on Thursday. Held to the Superior Court on the Charge of Manslaughter, Under Hve Thousand Dollar Bonds. The preliminary exaroinitio-i of Georite Conniff, charged with niHuHlaiiKhtt-r lor OTSTn- jSTILirjf SiZiw M'Y'V which hour lheKarniVaf of MercbaiiU," riven under Ukmi fowh ui Bsstricb 819 WEHTEBX: AVEXIE, PBTALUMA. Kleotrtoal Bella ow kwhtin JWor Opener MtchAnld Bell Door OnaoaT 8ieaking Tube ELKCTK1CAL ALAKUa FITTED UN Keys Fitted and Jobbltu Done it all pru.r ths city, SAWS'HET AND FILBD.

and TJcic Hotels. 4b TherkeUen. Prya Board and LodrinK, per day il and St.U; per SlitotS; meala, ceou. CveryttaliiK New and Fint-CI Main Street, opposite Plaia, Petaluma, California Prw bus to and from all trains. Washington Hotel RES TAUR AN 714, 716, 718 Washington st.


A. CAPUCBTTI. Propvf Main Street. Nest Door to SHvteojs Batik Fresh on Hayd. Private KowaajJaAemUbaad pasSaaa BANKING HOUSES.

Bank ot Sonoma County Incorporated May 18S Capital Paid Up. i CKXlc F.i. I. B. BIS3IS.

attiataB. Caihiar 1 HECTORS ItRNMAA. PO. MC NEAR, f. KKJiNSR-l, HITCBCOCg.

MADt ON ALL POINTS AND A ifeneral banking business transacted. FnreiB a aJ domestic exctianye bought and sold. Deposit foceived (rora iadivrduata, lirms, backers ami lorpor. iois subject to cheek Hietit f'ertiticat'xvf deposit payable dr 'tnawi GO RBKA Pf IN in Fftnciw. and 3.

F. Iauk, Llmivd i'ork itm Jjarik Umuon. Londou and S. p. tnfc.

1. 1 mi ted Petaluma Savings Bank MAl.N PKlALCMA I f.UiSSiHIi.. I B.8. rilBBHU kits Capital: JlOb.OiK) OIRECTOBS, t. V.


a. t. raiftSASKs PR. A. ANDERSON PHYSICIAN AND SUBCEON, lOndaaU of Harvurd Medietl School, Hwoh UfA) RraidMiM nJ Office, No.

676 Filth etrert: Ottiue to4 r. a. PATTY J. T. GARDNER PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Offtoe, In Wliituey'e Uuildinr.

Hiaiddaie, No. li itentoukir etreet, above WMhintoo. QR3. IVANCOVICH POWELL PHYStCIAXS AXIiSUQCEO. OSloa, la Oroa' wear buUdiac, war Buliaaial IJTMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sain atreet, aver Final Katlonal httanin QHARLES 8.


office, an stairs Phoanil Block Main Areet MhYER, ATTORNEYS JT LAW And Nor arum Pcauc. Dttict Odd Feliows' Buildinif Petaluuia 28 tl SJ W. SCUPPER CO. REAL ESTATE BROKERS. N.

W. bendder. Justice of the Peace, City Kecorder Ptotarv Public pETALUMA C. CENTAL P. BATES.

ROOMS. WdKK. keasonahle I'KICES The modern ayatcai of dentistry practiced in all operations, including the preservation of dead teeth, and the reifulatiug of chilUrcns teeth. Cbowx, Pi.atr and Kricgr Work in all its branches. Hours A.

M. to 5 P. M. Opposite Rifia' PhotOKraph Oaller.v.Uain street, Petnlu.r.a Cal. DISSOLUTIDN Of PARTNERSHIP- THE riRM Or" ELLSWORTH HON' 18 THIS dav dissolved by mutual consent.

U. L. Klla- worth retiring from the business. All accout ta doe the said Ann are to be paid to L. Ellsworth, and also all claims aeainst the firm to be presented to him.


W. For Sale. TlCW HOI SK or MX KOOMs, WITH I KllBNT ii fimndation and nsem*nf-, on of sixth and streets. Lot feet. Alsj nine bui'dinif Ir.ta i-i ilifTerent lo-a ities.

Terms easy on inst-iliments; for cash, cinsidi-rable di-count. tf Live and let live- is the motto of the lwopic want the Mirth, but wr inly rtyotmble portion ot the trade. WE UO NoT claim to make the best tshoe on this coant, But do i'laini to ninkc a Good, Honest 1 "oYv. nd Durable Shoe for evtry- day wear. ur Kip, Nok Kin AH.

Tahuoral an i Giiiter ure the bf-st Shoes ot tiimr claw in themorKet. NB ML'B fKIKK L'MED IN AND WAKUANTEI) THE (iAITKK, Vl- ai-o miike all styles of Men's, liovs', Youtiis'. Misses and Children's Kip Shoes, and will dupilcte any style of shoe in the market in the kip line, carry a full line of Wnrkintriuen's shoes and will sell at retail. Measures taken and bof- tt tit your fjt at very little more ftis-ii MEV.S CALF SHOES liAlir. lo uliUKK.

t'm-lory. HI4 Mashlaalon at i A It lit i Main street in Odd Fellows' building, carries a full line of our (roods at factory prices. AH our ehoe are stamped on the bottom i II L. IVlalumu, t'Ml Baldwin Restaurant AND-- COFFEE R00W8. W.

H. VAN MAETER, Proprietor. TIME BEST PLACE IS TOWS TO OCT A I lunch or niual at popular prices. Evcrythinv first-class. arty, aud weddine lainquets on short uotice.

HjTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT. 1)UKSUANT TO 8TATUTR AND TO RKBULU-Uun ho ot the Mrd ot Trute of the iy 0 kdnpiHl Aprl ml, IHU4, directtiiu Mtiac. iiotMx if hereby K'" Uiat Ihe Mid IKwrtl TriMum in op- on the S' li diy ol Aunl, ISIS), exft-rtiiMfd an, wubliclv rlaular wiled (impound oSami tut the MIuuIiik work, to Thai atr at. in nld eitv. Iron the southrriv curb lii'U 'I hlr.l ttnt to (Mint IM.T foet aonth-eriy IrOiiiaauUmrr'tiiM ot -lv atrwsf, inipravnl aidttkiflit with wuumt to th tdth rt (r lew, vnr BirM amm, mmvxmr On th.i iniMt weaterlr aide of aii.l atrort, from a point feet rouih In tin moat outheiljr line.

imm unit to poi itl-7 leet aoutn irow tne inoat line ot ilB atrect; ami on the nOat eat id- ot Hud atr et Ironi the mot aouther curb lii-i of hird alraet to the uio.t northerly eurb of Siuh mreet, Al, that circular enrha of artiflclal atone be at trie foi owiiitr cor rs to wit: At the moet aouthnrly corner of the trniui ft of and Sixth atreeta; tthe ntcmt euarerly and the moat northerly corncra of thu cnuainir of and Kifih atreet-, and at nrtwt souther. vomer of the urwwinjr; of 1 and Komth MtraetM. Sulh atreet. In wld citv, from the nioxt eeaterly ii-e ot atreet to the iuot wenter line of atreet, improved hy aulewalkiiiK with cement the width ot He (D) feet, exi-ept ere alreuly done, Be.d exeeptiona are more particularly ue-auriboii aa foilowa, to wit: On the reo-t northerly nide of aaid Sixth atreet, from the.iiiot wiaterly of at eet t- the moat wua of aireet: ai on the aoutherly aitle of Maid Sixth street from the moat weaterly eurb line of 1 tieet to tin moat ututer line of atreet. Alan, tlutt circular cirh.

of artificial atone lie con-atructed (in the moat norther)) corne the 1110-t ea t-erly oornrr and the ni at aoutlurlv co ner of the creating; of anil sixth Htreers; and at trie mAat northerly corner, the most euttcrty co- or and the niMt wee vry corner of the croatiug of and bixth etrucia. y- That Lioeify street, from the piot northerly line Wtutliaiton etreet to the moat southerly curb line atreet, be improvfil hy aidewaiking with cement to- the width of five (.) feet, except whete already dime, aid exceptiona are more purticulurly deaenbed foliowa, to wit: On the most caaterlv side of raid Libe ty etreet. from ibixnoat nortUrly line of Wuahiiigtnn street to uoint U.S. 5 led aoutherly from the moat aoutft. riy line of eronpett street, and on th wea erly side Liberty atreet from the most noitherly line of frtn.i street to the moat southerly cum 11.

0: VroaptciJutreet. Also a circular curb of artificial alone be con atructed at the mmt eaaterlj corner of the crowiinir Liberty ami lronpect streets. That Prospect etreet, in Haid city, from the moat westerly line of Keller street, to the moat aaterly curb line ot Litierty street, he improved bv aidewa k-inif with eemctit lo the width of four li) feet, except where all code, aai 1 exceptions are more artic. ularly described as foilowa, to it: On the mo rurthiTlv side of said Prospect ttreet. from thi -t weatcrly line of eiler at ect to the on1 wraw curb line gf Uherty street, and on the uv ui uwui i IT mint westerly Hoe of Keller etreet to a point 101 easterly from the moat easterly line of Liberty street, That Keokuk street, from the moat northerly eurb line ot Wa-hiiurt street to the most southerly curb of PrrMrw-nt.

Htreet. be imnroved bv siuewalkintf with cement to the width of five (5) feet, except where airejuly done, said exceptions are more particular dtweribed as follows, to wit: On the moat, easterly side of Keokuk street, from the northerly curb line of Washinston street to a poi'it Soii. 2 feet distant ortherly anil from the aouther. curb line of Prospect street to a point lb5. 3 feet southerly; also on the weatdly aide of Keokuk st.

ee.t from the norherly curb line of Union atreet to a point VS. feet northerly. Alan, that circular curbs of artiflcitl stone be constructed at the fbjlowuig corners, to-wit: On the imnt southerly corner of the crossing of Keokuk and Prospect streets and on the most southerly corner of the intersection of Union sue. with Keokuk street. Thut Waahinvtnn street, from the most westerly curb line of herty street to the moat ea-tcrly curb line of hnwird street, be improveil bv aidewalkinir with ceiiient to the width of five 151 feet except whor* already done.

Sjid exceptions are more par-thwtiirly described as follows, to-wit; On tlMi most nortlierly side of slid VVashinston street, from the westerly curb line of Liberty staeet to tRt most easterly curb line of Keokuk street Also, that circular curbs of artificial stone be con structed at the most northerly and easterly corners, at the intersection of Washington and Howard strctta; at the most easterly, westerly, and southerly corners of crossing of Washinyton and Keokuk streets, itnd at tiie most southerly corner of the cross-iiij of ttashinston and Liberty street That Kentucky street, on the most easterly side, from a point 71 feet distant south, from the most aoutherly line of Western avenue to a point. 150.6 feet south, Ironi the most southerly lin of said Western avenue, be improved by aioewalkinit with eemint to thu Midth of six (ti)feet. And therefore on the 2nd day of April. ISM, awarded the contract for said work to the lowest regular re sponsible bidder, to wit: To W. H.

Oiicrdell and al the prices named for said wotk in their proposal on file, ami as follows: Kor the cement work. 11 cents per square foot; for the curved curb coners, 25 cents per lineal fool The said award has been approved by tbe Presi-1 dent, of the Hoard of Trustees. Clerk's office. 2nd day of April, 1884. -THOMAS MACLAV, I'lrk nf the rhurd of Trustees of the city 01 reta- Klerk of tin 'lumaJ luniaJ EXCELSIOR HAIRY aL'KK MlLK KKOM JERHKV OnW.

bk'KCI aity made of aupplyins mdk OsTina- 'jeai 'jeave nraers sattlie Kaldwm restaurant nn toe Thi i renownist for its excel" V. t.Mfi pt p.i-j.jc: Proprietor, MICROBE KILLER Stands at the Head as the Greatest Medicinal Discovery of the Age. Wm. Kaiiam, its discov-urur. ctnllan.ifes the world to prod uc a paral lei record where bo have b-en t-urfd of suu-h varioiiii dig eaite.

E. LASAR, Agent, With A. KaHN. UriKd. PKTALUMA, CAL.

diwtf m. nmrm tw'iia. other women arid he listened with ore- deuce, so rt-solved to leave him. There barJIy a doubt that reconciliation be-tweon the eouple will be nltimately brought about and the minnnderatandimf explained. A NOVfcL INNOVATION.

The "Karnlval of Herchanta" at the Theater Thursday Evening. What must be acknowledge I as a decided novelty in the way of eotei tain- I tbe dir otion of Professor Fluke, fr tbe benefit of ihe Ladies' Aid society of tbe E. church Tlie essential fuatnre of tbe um'erhik ins was the advertising, in a novel man ner. of local business bouses. There were also songs, marches and tableau! li'tle giils and ''a grand spectacular march" by thirty -eiht young ladies in fancy costumes designated on the pi Krara as "A graud phantasmagoria! mov- ing tableaux." The children did tbeir part with great oredii to themselves anil tbe young lndic "brouubt down the bouse" tithes without uuni'ier by their clever representation of the firms lines tbey illusir-tied intlividuiiliy, Many of tbe cotumes nd make-ups were very clever, and 1 bey sbon'd be seen to bo appreciated.

Tne different firms represented and the ladies representing, them were as follows: Great Amer. Imp. Tea Co.Miss James Miss Knbuson Miss Anna Haskins lUle Kros Co Miss frestun l'oeblmann As Co Miss (iiay l'etaluma I'ickle Miss Dies 1 tie Imprii.t Miss Blsuche Daniels l'etaluma I ransfer Co. Brownlee J. A.

Johnson Thos Kmcb Newhurgh Co. 1). TRiitliu Campbell. A Jones Co Palmer Campbell Mrs Spridgenn Miss Kllsworib Miss I.iliie Haskins Miss.S'ofkilaie Miss King Miss Bryant Hazel Currier Petaluma Incubator Co Lila Veale Maggie Veale S-jitt It 4 Vv "tH- Joslin I Miss T.jrr" urd Dies Miss May Schofield Camtn Hedges tieo 'oilding Mis Lena Vestal Hutfh Roberts. Mrs.

WillianiB fl Oieir OL OUII nniini Kice Beyer Mia- Siuddert Sweed Mi Adamson A'Kahn Miss Zartinau LBTowne Miss Blackburn Nortbrup Co Miss Lena Hall Guteim'ile Miss (ititermute Western Hotel Miss Imrield Cavanngb Miss Maggie Beggs American Ho'el Miss Alice Scott O. Hopkins Miss Hopkins Collins Loftns Miss Minnie Warner Dr Perkins Miss Dot Schofield VlarhlH Works Miss Atchinson Coldstream Band. Defa Thompson Golden Eiig Mill Miss Daniels Racket Store Miss Nellie Smith The entertainment will be repeated this evening. PERSONAL. Mrs.

M. Jones ol Bloomneld. was town Thursday. J. P.

Currier of Han Francisco was a visitor to Petaluma yesterday. Miss Hattie Talmadpe ot Santa liosa is in ibe city, the guest of Miss Millie. Ellsworth. M. M.

BeidioK of New York, a spool silk msgnate, was a visitor in Petaluma yesterday. A. G. Burnett, of Santa ItoHa was in Petaluma interested in the Conniff case. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Carty went to Hnn Francisco on the Thursday afternoon traiu, they having been called thither by news of the death of thajorro-er's sister, Mrs. Lizzie E. Clark. Mr.

Clark i ad natientlv suffered for a long time with cancer, and her death- waae-i. result of that terrible afbiction. hue tiaa borne her misery with sweet patience and noble fortitude which commanded the tenderest. respect and devotion of her manv friends. STOCK RANCH AND FARM! 41 Kl laKKItKU I.IMI, -with fiood Oiitsiue Katun-, about IfO acres in Cultivation, 30 head of Milch Cows and youna; heifers with Holstein mock ox, 2 horses, witn itoo Sleds, Reaper and Mower, Harrows, and ev ervthinif necessary for farinitiu; a House 5 Rooms, ano win ne Fruit Irani, near i Fttrih neftr FutulAma or! Santa Cruz.

Kin Jose Address co*ckier Otriee 1 nuilUl ta tit nirtttic ua. trsi Santa Clara or Alameda Uii of by 01 line the to of of a of of lini I I Burnet and Rudttern, for the defenne, and Campbell closed for tbe prose culioi. 'The ably orators all made ex-C 'lleut spfe h( tie prosecutiou piak-hw mi enriiest demand for justice for the sacrilice of buinun fi, and the de fence urgniK in eloijiU'ht terms the plea that their olicn', in the loas of that life, lieeu guilty ot no evil intent, and no one living reg rotted so much a he tiie terrible uocident esnaed by what he intended merely as a boyish prank. At t'ie conclusion of testimony tbe court took the njtttyrujuteJt.JBaiatf nt court re-oonv ned, and His Bouor an- noiinoed his decision, which was that tbe defeudaotbe held to the- superior court In bonds of $5,000. Ilnil was promptly furnished, tbe boiid-ninn being Patrick Conniff, an uu-cle of the accused, and I.

J. Healey. Santa Rosa's Election. The muriicipid election at Santa Kosa Thursday resulted in placiui; Repub- licausin all but four of the city offices, they beiu city clerk, city attorney, eity recorder and library trustee. Followiuji is the complete tabic CANDI1MTKB.

VOTKM. MAYOR. L. E. .454 t'.

Woodward, C14 COUNCILMEN. v' lierka, V. B. Davi, 442 F. ii.

J. VV, tirav, :79 T. IJ. Keean, 755 W. Tod.l.

1) 547 Wilson, It 581 CITY CLEKK. II. H. Churchill, C. L.

Mobley, CITY ATTOKNEY. F. Cowan, 511 .647 ..613 J. M. Thompson, 544 CITY TKKASUKKR.

W. H. L--e. 569 M. V.

Vanderhoof, STREET COMMISSIONER. D. It 762 J. M. Godman, I.

CITY MARSHAL." HHansJD. .585 CITY RECORDER. M. K. McCorkle, 616 J.

H. Reed, ..523 CITY ASSESSOR. W. G. Hendley, 482 K.

L. Johnston, 782 LIBRARY TRUSTEES. I'. J. U.

Davis, .624 ..450 .602 ..486 ..526 ..609 ..410 506 .620 A. JJoubleday, 11. w. A. Fiuley, II.

HoiIksou, C. Kellogg, I). w. w. c.

H. NeilMm, K. .1. I've, J. H.

Kaukiu, I) M. Shearer. D. K. M.

Swain, II. A Successful Enterprise. The ,1 t- 1 oouiuern oaiuornia oemi-iropicai rruit company held a directors' meeting in Petaluma Wednesday evening, this city being the principal place of liusiuess for tne company, a dividend of per shtire was declared. This dividend re- suns irora me saie 01 tne orange crop. 1 The fruit from twenty-four acres of orange trees was sold for $9,000 on the tree.

Tbe company will also have, this! season, about fti.OtXJ xrortb of walnuts. Messrs. Geo. P. MoNear, H.

P. Brainerd. i.fobu F. Mulgrew and other Sonoma county men are among tbe principal stockholders, Mr. Mulrew being the president of the Company.

The business of tbe company has always been a success, and ihe stuck is regarded "fancy" as an investment. A BicyciiK Took. Petaluma Wheelmen have arranged for a club run ltO CamD Tavlor next Sunday, the Rth jne), AU tue members to K0 ftul l)f uliaMMhed wheelmen will bv the kuwhtsof the whel, aud it is hi 1 i. i eess iu every particular. The distance is abont twenty-one miles, and the roads I are exoeltant.

The hov. Hntiirirmlia rlav i 1 of rare eujov ment. and arktmr I ri1 t)1 All's VVkll That Knob Well. On i her antil nbe had ot aboard the Month vn Ri truin TfiA Imahanil vb thai 'eta raoine tram. Ihe husband shvr that posaipy women were the cause of the is Mm M.

by I 1 I 1 i i i urday, wa held before Jumiee Scudder in tbe Recorder's courtroom, at the thy boll, ou Tunr.dd The prosecution was coiiiliictel by District Attorney Emmet Sftiwell. an-siHtsd by J. 7. Campbell of Snuta Koxa. F.

K. I.ippiit of PetHluma, AHuociated in in this cftHe with the iJMt-ecutinn. wax foroed by another court eiiKieuient to be absent TLe accused wan rtruHented by A. O. Burnett of Santa Rom aud J-P.

Rodger of Fetaiuina. The courtroom was packed to overflowing, tbe large crowd of spectators containing not a few Chinamen. Tbe firot wilnem vailed by tbe prowvn-tion wan Alfred Edwards, the 11-year-old lad who has already won considerable renown in this case by bis lucid ami intelligent testimony at tbe pair of in-quests held on the body of the defunct Chinaman. He repeated bin t-t iry in tbe Biime simple, straightforward manner which characterized its former delivery, lie testified that ou the day of the drowning, March 31st, be was finbin in the creek Dear tbe stone warehouse, with some ot her little boys that tbe di ceased, Wong Sing, wan also fishing at the same place, only about sis feet frora-tbe wil-nesH. He saw Oeoiye Conniff come along, approach the Chinaman from behind and push him off ibe wharf into tbe water.

This win about a quarter to 10 o'clock a. M. Wit'ieo sail thiij: Connitr, as ne pusneu iue vhimuiuuii, mih Conn iff then ran away, Ou cross- xamination witness admitted that Con- 'd riot a iopesj all angrvnwa rd nna T'eeenved to be in Fiin. deceased andr'eenved Frank Jason was the next witness called, and it was his firit connection with the case. The prosecution bad counted upon geitinjf some valuable testimony from him on the strength of his reported ulttsrances in conversation wilb Frank Collins on the previous day, but when the witness was put upon the his memory soem'ed to fail him and lie was unable to tell anything about the case which scores of others could not tell.

City Marshal Collins testified to seeing the deceased pulled out of the water and to the apprehension of tbe accused at his home and his arrest, later, in the court room, at the conclusion of the inquest, or as tbe witness lmhinaly termed it, "inquest No. 1." Witness had not tried to "bulldoze" his prisoner into testifying, but while he was not yet arrested, but merely under surveillance, had merely advised him not to, run away, Cjnniff acknowledged to witi.ess that he had pushed the Chinaman into the water but said that he had not intended to do so, but gave him a little shove "just for fun." Paddy Talanientis, 17 years of was next called. He was followed by Bert Studdert and Jim Kee, (the latter a Chinaman). Their testimony was the same its given by them before and is already familiar to the public. The morning session concluded with I tbe testimony of Geo.

Hinrichnen, the saloon-keeper, into whose place Conniff went shortly alter the Chinaman had fallen into the water. While witness and Conniff ware talking, they' yoH'y. Fiatik Collins aud otie or two other men rushing toward the creek, from Western avenue, wuuetis asKeu: "vvuars irouoieou. i.ue.ei I The trouble's down ttiere pointing toward tne creek. Witness and Conuiff.

theL went lo. the spot where the crowd had collected on the wbarf. At the opening of Ihe 'afternoon aioutbe proseontion announrAd that it rested its case. Lflwler, W. S.

Harris and Ed. 1J. Hedges I 1 r-OREION ANt' EXCTiANOK Bll)QelT and ild. Special facilities for uiakinir Mortsrajre-" laris. Oommerciai Paper discounted ot.

the aioe literal terms, and a General Bankinv buainna traoa-vted. ft raw direct on Hri litrai aael L-oadwa Bonds Stocka, Papers, Jewe.ry, Silverware, 11a rrunks. etc, kept In our laiyeburtrlar and flre-proof vault and safe for our customers fre of eharire, but at their ris coaaAtpoKOKNia, The Bank of California Airency of Bank of California, 14 Wall at. York Rothschild Sons LnodoB first National Bank uccesacr to 1. 0.

Wickeraham 4 Ce 1 ii. I B. i. va rEI. 1, VTCIltSBkl, aaaiauit Oautai.

I Paid-up Capital, ftoo.o Surjilus Knno, $iuo OOP dibectors. 1 a. vii'KiasHAM, u. m. 8.

a. irum a. A. WlORBBSIUa J. H.

RNoWl-SS, DA.VT11, aw ATOi MKTKa Prompt attention to collections and a treuera ilankinK Btiainesa transacted. crtaasrt.siavris. a FlrstJJiatiutial Bank New Vork flu. National Bk. San Krancijca California Safe IVprsiitand Trust San Francisco Hank of Montreal London tiRt'ORAThli SyOO.OOO aiKacToaa: HiLu, Aum; B.

HiUi, Chas. Kastis, H. ti. Oowiaa P. Riunina.

iALFBKD HORKL OoMPAKT Aholo-Oaltfobitian Bask (Limived) LONDON AM SWITSEhLASb Tlie WM X3UX3L, Ccrapaiiy. IM Oapital Paid Up HILL WwooaM LKX. BILL, CsamaB. 1.i estHhliah the defendant's reputation the 28tb of last month Mm Warreu Hall J0 Si'isT Double oVau" tor peace and quiet. Thev all testified of Healdshiiiv stole awav trotn her hus- i Milk H.we.

-over a never failimt sprimf of pure Cold Water, with plnnty of that they bad never heard anythiuii ue-! band and little three-vear-old danifhter. Water ami Hunch disss, some with plenty legatory to the vonng man's character a She went to Santa Roa in company with pVMffin peaceable person, and one of them a yotiug fellow named Talnot Haltjv, County otspok me. in a climate favorable tmnn- i lids, disunt onlv ft miles from Jleilical liike. the John Lawler declared tiim to ha model takina the morning train at Grant's "Mwlfm Pool of and ereat sanitarium of I the Northwwt.

which theMatc huaerected' young man. utatioti and(then by tbe Carqiime nmt Pat Meao cave a very clear aoeount of she went on to Woodland, Yolo conntv, of 40,000, is within four hours' drive, for a market-" f. .1 i 1 I the Cheney Creamery distant, miles; three Truns- tlie attempt to find tti body, and tue where she tuns a sister living. The rumor continental Railroads, ami live local i-dima pass final miccees of the endeavor, he being that the pair had eloped a wt to rwt 'S lSto who the man who pulled the bod out of the; when on the next dav Haley returned i imr his hesltn in the acraniento valley, ami r.wv I ered after a brief residence in that favored locality water. and tola that he had merely accompanied hur, who was not a sni-cias as a farmer or cowboy FvreiKii and' Domestic Exchange Itousht and Sold.

tad a Caarral Haaklac Baaiacaa Tranwtral. KHti'Funoisoo Correepondents DRAW OIRBCT Of YORK, One or two other unimportant it: mU.a ovtimiriPil aftpr wliif-h rATTiP the arumeDts, the time of the speal 8 Petaluma, California.

Petaluma Daily Morning Courier from Petaluma, California (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.