Merlin Trials | Hogwarts Legacy | Map Genie (2024)

Merlin Trial

Location: On the swampy beach.
Required Spell(s): Any movement spell
Solution: Bring the round boulder from atop the northern hill to the nearby goal.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the higher cliff, on the side of the path.
Required Spell(s): Wingardium Leviosa or Accio
Solution: Find the 3 sets of round stones around the area, and bring them on the metal plates. The stones are:

  1. On the northern path, behind a small stone fence;
  2. Down into the crevice between two plates;
  3. Near a wooden fence to the southeast.
World Merlin Trial

Location: On the rocky shore, between the boulders.
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Using Lumos, bring the glowing butterflies in the 3 lanters scattered on the beach. The butterflies are:

  1. In the water, on a rock jutting out;
  2. Underneath the train track to the east;
  3. Further north on the beach.
World Merlin Trial

Required Spell(s): Any movement spell
Solution: Bring the round boulder from atop the northwestern hill to the goal near the lake.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On a stony ledge down the hill, just before the forest.
Required Spell(s): Wingardium Leviosa.
Solution: Bring the piles of marbles on the 3 stone plates surrounding the starting point. The marbles are:

  1. On a small ledge, just south;
  2. In a pile, just north;
  3. On a small ledge, just west;
World Merlin Trial

Location: On a raised platform.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Jump from platform to platform without ever touching the ground.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On top of the hill, behind Pitt-Upon-Ford
Required spell(s): None
Solution: Jump from platform to platform without ever touching the ground or the stairs.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the shore of the pond.
Required spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Blast all 5 nearby boulders; 3 are behind vines on water level, 2 are on top of the cliff beyond the pond.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On a raised dais in the graveyard.
Required spell(s): Flipendo
Solution: Flip the cubes on top of the 3 pillars so the symbols on each side match. Using Flipendo rotates a cube 90° away from you.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In the middle of the swamp
Required spell(s): Incendio; Wingardium Leviosa
Solution: Head southwest towards the vine-covered stone platform surrounded by stone slabs. Burn away the vines, then bring the boulder up the cliff to the southeast into the hole.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the beach with a driftwood tree next to the trial
Required spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Shoot the 5 stone pillars with Confringo

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the beach, at the end of the crevice.
Required Spell(s): Depulso.
Solution: Guide the Boulder to the goal, just north of the starting platform.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Right outside of a ruin.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Use Basic Cast to destroy 3 groups of small orbs. They are:

  1. Right next to the Trial.
  2. On a broken-down wall outside the ruin.
  3. Along the ruined walls.
World Merlin Trial

Location: ??
Required Spell(s): Reparo
Solution: Repair three stone gnome/dwarf statues (1x North, 1x Northwest, 1x Northeast)

World Merlin Trial

Location: North of Feldcroft Catacombs Floo Flame
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Destroy 5 pillars scattered around the trial using Confringo

World Merlin Trial

Location: Inside of a Small Bandit Camp.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Use Confringo to blast all 5 of the stone monuments. Revelio should help you locate these easily.

World Merlin Trial

Location: West of Irondale (just across the river, next to the stone bridge leaving town)
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Light all 3 braziers before they reset. Start with the tallest one, as the pedestals will act as timers, sinking into the ground.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Inside Irondale next to an ominously floating scarecrow.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Use your Basic Cast to destroy 3 groups of stone orbs around the Trial. They are:

  1. South of the Trial right next to the Irondale Floo Flame.
  2. Just by the Trial in the garden of a house.
  3. North-west on a hill overlooking Irondale.
World Merlin Trial

Location: Going up the hill of the Small Bandit Camp
Required Spell(s): Reparo
Solution: Repair the three statues that will break as you activate the trial

  1. Right next to the trial marker.
  2. North west of the trial marker (west edge of the bandit camp), hidden by burnable vines.
  3. North of the trial marker in the bandit camp under the open tent sided tent.
World Merlin Trial

Location: Next to a waterfall on a cliff near the river's northern tributary west of Keenbridge
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Jump from one stone platform to another, without ever touching the ground.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In front of the ruined buildings.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Destroy all 9 stone spheres scattered around the ruins. You will need Confringo to destroy some rubble blocking access to a sphere in the southwestern building.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Next to Keenbridge Floo Flame.
Required Spell(s): Depulso
Solution: Bring the ball just west of the starting platform across the bridge.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In a clearing, surrounded by stone statues.
Required Spell(s): Confringo; Wingardium Leviosa
Solution: Bring all the stone marbles on the surrounding stone plates. The marbles are:

  • Just north, behind some boulders; use Confringo to blow them away.
  • On top of the southern-most hill.
  • In the healer's tent, up the northern path.
World Merlin Trial

Location: By the shore.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Light all 3 braziers, starting with the tallest one, before they sink into the ground.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Beyond the bandit camp
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Using Basic Cast, destroy all 9 stone spheres scattered around the camp. The spheres are:

  1. Right next to the platform;
  2. Down in the southeast area of the camp;
  3. Just south of the water puddle in the center of the camp;
World Merlin Trial

Location: On the shore of the river, by the waterfall.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Jump from platform to platform without ever touching the ground or water

World Merlin Trial

Location: On top of a small hill
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Light all 3 braziers before one sinks into the ground. All 3 can be targeted from the crossroads just east of the starting platform.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Beside the train track
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Use Lumos to bring the glowing butterflies to the 3 stone lanterns. The butterflies are:

  • Next to the starting platform, on the train track;
  • Just east, amidst the trees;
  • Just south, at the edge of the cliff next to the lantern;
World Merlin Trial

Location: On the beach.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Destroy all 5 stone boulders. All are targetable from the starting platform.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In the ruined church's cemetary.
Required Spell(s): Wingardium Leviosa
Solution: Bring the piles of stone marbles to the plates around the starting platform. The marbles are:

  • Just south, against the ruined wall;
  • On top of the wooden scaffolding, just by the starting platform;
  • Amidst Lacewing Flies bushes, just east
World Merlin Trial

Location: On top of the cliff.
Required Spell(s): Flipendo
Solution: Flip the cubes on the stone pillard so the symbols on each side match.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In the middle of the ruins.
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Use Lumos to bring the glowing butterflies to the nearby 3 lanterns. The butterflies are:

  • Above the campfire to the northeast;
  • In front of the statue, to the southeast;
  • Above the staircase down to the nearby Treasure Vault
World Merlin Trial

Location: Next to the pier.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Jump from platform to platform without ever touching the ground or water.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In the middle of the ruined building.
Required Spell(s): Any movement spell; Confringo
Solution: Guide the boulder next to the starting position to the goal, on the road to the east. Use Confringo to destroy the wooden barricade over the goal.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the side of the path
Required Spell(s): Depulso
Solution: Push the boulder down the path and beyond the wooden ramp into the goal.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In front of the ruined castle.
Required Spell(s): Lumos; Confringo
Solution: Using Lumos, bring the glowing butterflies to the 3 nearby lanterns. The butterflies are:

  • In the castle, on a wooden platform;
  • On the side of the castle, underneath a wooden barricade; use Confringo to blow it away;
  • On the stairs leading to the castle
World Merlin Trial

Location: On a small hill, beside the path.
Required Spell(s): Reparo
Solution: Repair all 3 broken statues. The last one is atop the taller hill to the north.

World Merlin Trial

Location: At the base of the ruins
Required Spell(s): Any movement spell
Solution: Guide the boulder (in the ruins, on the wooden platform) to the goal (across the wooden bridge).

World Merlin Trial

Location: Near the Thestral Den
Required Spell(s): Flipendo
Solution: Flip the stone cubes on top of the pillars so the symbols match. The last pillar is by the nearby Astronomy Table.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Amidst the ruins.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Starting on the northwestern pillar, jump from pillar to pillar without ever touching the ground.

World Merlin Trial

Location: South of The Mine's Eye
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Light 3 torches in any order in rapid secession. The torches are

  1. On a cliff across a gap to the northwest
  2. On a cliff across a gap to the southwest
  3. Behind crates and an overturned cart directly northeast of and very close to the starting point
World Merlin Trial

Location: Just west of the Floo Flame
Required Spell(s): Any movement spell
Solution: Find the boulder, just northwest of the starting point, and move it down the hill into the goal further northwest.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Against the hillside.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Jump from pillar to pillar without ever touching the ground.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In the center of Brocburrow
Required Spell(s): Confringo; Accio/Depulso
Solution: Using Confringo, destroy the boulder barricades along the southern path. Then, move the boulder on the path so it rolls into the goal.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On a grassy ledge overlooking the path.
Required Spell(s): Any movement spell
Solution: Follow the southern past upwards, to the well. Then, move the round boulder back on the path to the goal.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In the middle of the poacher camp.
Required Spell(s): Lumos; Confringo
Solution: Using Lumos, grab the glowing butterflies and carry them to the empty lanterns scattered around. The butterflies are:

  1. In a small alcove in the cliff; use Confringo to blast the boulders away.
  2. In the wooden tower to the east;
  3. In the vine-covered tent; use Confrinfo to burn away the vines.
World Merlin Trial

Location: In the woods, east of the small hamlet.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Light all 3 braziers before the first one drops into the water. Two braziers are against the stone fence of the hamlet. The last one is just north, in the corner of the small fence.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In a small clearing, surrounded by tall stone pillars.
Required Spell(s): Basic Attack
Solution: Blast all 9 stone spheres around the platform:

  • 3 spheres are on the pillar to the northeast;
  • 3 spheres are on the pillar to the northwest, including one at the very top;
  • 2 spheres are on ground level, west and southwest;
  • The final sphere is across the river to the west.
World Merlin Trial

Location: In a wooded clearing, on the side of the road.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Destroy all 9 stone spheres to complete the trial. They can all be seen from the starting platform, looking west.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the north shore of the river.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Light all 3 braziers before the first one drops into the water. You can shoot all the braziers from the wooden bridge. They are:

  1. High up on the path following the eastern shore;
  2. Just south of the bridge, on the western shore;
  3. Inside the ruined tower.
World Merlin Trial

Location: On top of a small hill overlooking the lake.
Required Spell(s): Incendio/Confringo
Solution: Light all 3 braziers before the first one sinks into the water. The braziers are:

  1. To the southeast, behind a spider web;
  2. To the west, near the shore;
  3. Straight north, in the middle of a circle of rocks.
World Merlin Trial

Location: At the base of the cliff, in the swamp.
Required Spell(s): Lumos; Confringo
Solution: Using Lumos, bring the glowing butterflies back to the lanters surrounding the platform. The butterflies are:

  1. By the road to the east, on top of barrels;
  2. Further up that road, behind the wooden barricade. Blow it with Confringo;
  3. At the end of the road, on top of the rock overlooking the trial.
World Merlin Trial

Location: On the beach
Required Spell(s): Flipendo
Solution: Using Flipendo, rotate the cubes on the pillars so the symbols match.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the beach
Required Spell(s): Any movement spell
Solution: Bring the ball, along the slope, up the cliff.Attention, you have to stop at the bottom, because you will slip on the surface.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In the middle of a flowery field, at the end of the path.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Destroy all 5 nearby boulders. 4 of them are visible from the starting platform; the last one is hidden behind a larger boulder.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the side of the path
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Using Lumos, bring the glowing butterflies to the 3 lanterns. The butterflies are:

  1. Near the trial.
  2. Under the bridge.
  3. In a Cave, under the dead tree.
World Merlin Trial

Location: Beside the hideaway.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Use Confringo to break the five stone boulders surrounding the castle.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In front of the pier.
Required Spell(s): Reparo
Solution: Use Reparo on the three broken pillars in the sea.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In the alcove along side the shore, close to the bones of a giant beast.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Use Confringo to blast the five pillars around the Merlin Trial.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Just by the little field with the scarecrow and the row of hay bales.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Use basic cast to destroy the nine small objects just south of the Merlin Trial.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In some ruins, on the side of the road.
Required Spell(s): Flipendo; Confringo (to access the last pillar behind the wooden barricade)
Solution: Flip the stone cubes on top of the pillars so the symbols on each side match.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the small hill, beside the tree
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Bring the glowing butterflies to the three nearby lanterns. The butterflies are:

  • Down the wooden elevator;
  • To the southeast, above some wooden crates;
  • At the northern crossroads

Note: To bring the butterflies up the hill, use Depulso near the wooden elevator to lower the platform; Lumos the butterflies again before the platform rises.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the beach behind the Niffler Den
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Jump from platform to platform without touching the ground. The platforms are north-west of the Merlin Trial.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the beach.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Using basic cast, destroy the 9 stone spheres around the trial spot.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Next to the house
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Light the three braziers south of the trial before the first one sinks in the floor

World Merlin Trial

Location: In the middle of the poacher camp.
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Using Lumos, bring the glowing butterflies to the three stone lanterns. The butterflies are:

  • On the starting platform;
  • On wooden crates in the camp;
  • Down the stairs, on a cart.
World Merlin Trial

Location: In the middle of the ruins
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Destroy all 5 stone boulders; 2 of them are only targetable from beyond the vine-covered archway.

World Merlin Trial

Location: At the end of the side path.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Light all 3 braziers before the first one falls into the water. From the starting point, head east and follow the uphill path up to a rock overlooking the first path. From there, light each brazier with Confringo.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the side of the uphill path.
Required Spell(s): Accio / Depulso / Wingardium Leviosa
Solution: Continue up the path until you see the round boulder; push it in the groove so it rolls into the goal at the bottom.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Falbarton Castle - From the closed main gate, follow the side path south under the bridge. Cross the moat, then ignite the vines covering a grate to a room. Finally, turn left and climb the hill to the trial.
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Using Lumos, bring the glowing butterflies to the nearby lanterns at the end of the branching paths. The butterflies are

  1. On the left, near a hole in the wall;
  2. On the right, above the lantern.
  3. Behind, in the passage you just came from.
World Merlin Trial

Location: Right outside the farm.
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Use Lumos to guide all 3 clusters of butterflies to each of the magical monuments. The butterflies are:

  • Just north, amidst a bunch of Lacewing Flies;
  • Just east, against the wooden fence;
  • Just west, down the sloped path.
World Merlin Trial

Location: In a clearing, by an abandonned tent.
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Using Lumos, bring the glowing butterflies in all 3 lanterns surrounding the platform. The butterflies are:

  1. In front of the tent;
  2. Under the northwestern tree;
  3. At the base of the northern cliff;
World Merlin Trial

Location: On a cliff overlooking the lake, past a wooden bridge.
Required Spell(s): Flipendo
Solution: Using Flipendo, rotate the cubes on the pillars so the symbols match. The pillars are:

  1. Just beside the starting platform.
  2. On the western shore of the lake.
  3. On the island, in the middle of the lake.
World Merlin Trial

Location: On the river's shore, by an abandonned camp.
Required Spell(s): Reparo
Solution: Repair all 4 broken statues around the starting platform.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the shore, by the stone pillars.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Jump from pillar to pillar without ever touching the ground.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On the side of the path, before the train bridge.
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Using Lumos, bring the butterflies to the 3 lanterns down the cliffs to the west.

World Merlin Trial

Required Spell(s): Incendio
Solution: Light all 3 pillars

Note: This Merlin Trial is the first you will complete as part of the main quest.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In a clearing by the lake.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Use Confringo to destroy each of the large stones surrounding the area.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Inside the Bandit Camp
Required Spell(s): Accio & Incendo
Solution: Locate 3 floor tiles and move hidden marbles into them.

World Merlin Trial

Location: West of the bandit camp
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Blast all 5 stone pillars; climb on the nearby tower to see the 5th one.

World Merlin Trial

Location: In the middle of the clearing, beside the train track.Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Destroy the five stone pillars by shooting Confringo at them

World Merlin Trial

Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Use Lumos to bring the butterflies to the nearby lanterns. The butterflies are:

  • Under the bridge, just south;
  • Under the stony cliff, directly west;
  • Amidst the trees to the northeast;
World Merlin Trial

Location: Small clearing by the river
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Use your Basic Cast to destroy all 9 stone orbs, which can be easily seen with Revelio.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Right by the water.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Use Basic Cast to destroy the 3 clusters of small orbs. They are:

  1. Right next to the Trial start.
  2. South-west of the Trial right up a small hill.
  3. Across the water to the west.
World Merlin Trial

Location: On the dirt mound, in the middle of the bog.
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Using Lumos, guide the glowing butterflies to the 3 stone lanterns. The butterflies are:

  • Southwest, by the base of a large tree in the distance;
  • East, behind a large fallen tree;
  • Northeast, behind the large tree on the mound.
World Merlin Trial

Location: Western edge of map near Quidditch arena
Required Spell(s): Any movement spell.
Solution: Ball is located top of rock formation slightly northeast of starting trial, hole is located north of trial starting location; push the ball into the hole.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Hill overlooking Hogwarts.
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Guide the butterflies using Lumos to each of the lanterns. The butterflies are:

  1. To the north, at the edge of the cliff.
  2. By the bridge to the southeast.
  3. On the southern shore of the river.
World Merlin Trial

Location: Just north of the bandit camp.
Required Spell(s): Flipendo
Solution: Flip the stone cubes on the 3 pillars so the symbols on their sides match.

World Merlin Trial

Location: West of some ruins at the foot of a cliff.
Required Spell(s): Lumos
Solution: Use Lumos to guide the groups of butterflies to each of the 3 magical monuments. They are:

  1. West of the Trial on an overlooking cliff.
  2. Just south below some exposed rocks.
  3. Outside of the entrance to a Treasure Vault north-east of the Trial.
World Merlin Trial

Location: Behind the manor.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Light all 3 braziers before they sink into the ground. All 3 are targetable from a few meters south of the starting platform.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On a high plain, on the side of the path.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Use Confringo to destroy each of the large stones surrounding the area.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On a small ledge, overlooking the beach.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Jump from platform to platform without falling in the water.

World Merlin Trial

Location: On a small plain overlooking the water.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Light all 3 braziers, starting with the tallest one, before they sink into the ground. You can target all 3 braziers by standing just a little south from the starting platform.

World Merlin Trial

Location: West of the North Feldcroft Floo Flames along the river.
Required Spell(s): Confringo
Solution: Use Confringo to destroy the 5 stones in the area.

World Merlin Trial

Location: Into the bandit camp.
Required Spell(s): None
Solution: Jump from platform to platform without ever falling down.

Merlin Trials | Hogwarts Legacy | Map Genie (2024)


What happens if you complete all the Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy? ›

For completing every Merlin Trial in Hogwarts Legacy you'll be given the largest possible inventory. You'll also earn a trophy: Merlin's Beard.

Why do some Merlin Trials not show up on the map? ›

There are about 5-6 other Merlin trials that don't appear on the map, which kind of explains why many people struggle getting that achievement... You may end up having the slightest sliver of land that you haven't unlocked, which hides the trial from your map.

Is there a point to do all the Merlin Trials? ›

Merlin Trials are arguably the most lucrative of Exploration Challenges, as completing them can earn you additional Gear Inventory Slots, which will save you the trouble of having to frequently sell or destroy the loot you've collected.

Is there an achievement for finishing all Merlin Trials? ›

While you only need to solve 52 Merlin Trials to max out your inventory, you will get an achievement for solving all 95 Trials, if you're quite the completionist.

What is the benefit of completing the Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy? ›

They increase your gear carry slots, so inventory for how much gear you can carry. You have to go into the Challenges section and actually click to unlock it. It's very easy to overlook this. yup.

Why are some Merlin Trials not working? ›

You might have activated the trial on accident before or just forgot about it, it stays active until it's solved, and some trials like the one where you have to push the ball in the ditch can be completed without activating. Originally posted by MEGADIRK: Same issue, did you ever figure this out?

What spell to use on Merlin Trials? ›

As you activate the Merlin Trial, you'll hear sounds of collapsing stone. Your task in this trial is to repair the three broken statues in the area with the Reparo spell. If needed, use the Revelio spell to help find each of the statues.

How do I know if all the Merlin Trials are completed? ›

To clarify: There are 95 Merlin trials in the game, and they are all on the world map. If you look at the world map, zoom out as far as you can, and move the mouse to somewhere outside any named region, then you can see (in the upper right corner of the screen) how many Merlin trials you've solved.

What are the green dots on the blocks in Merlin Trial? ›

Green spotted slabs Merling Trials

This is one of the easier of the Merlin Trials as it just needs you to use Confringo to destroy all the blocks that look like the above. There's always at least one hidden one, so use Revelio to get them to light up in blue to smash them all.

How do you unlock all the Trials of Merlin? ›

How to unlock Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy. After completing the main story quest “Trials of Merlin,” you'll unlock the ability to start any Merlin Trial around the Highlands as long as you have mallowsweet — a plant you can grow in your Room of Requirement or purchase at Dogwood and Deathcap in Hogsmeade.

What are the easiest Merlin Trials to complete? ›

Rolling Stone Orbs

This is by far one of the easiest of the Merlin Trials to accomplish. You'll find stone discs in the ground, with indents for stone balls to fit neatly in.

Do you get XP from Merlin Trials? ›

The Merlin Trials also give you some EXP if you haven't completed all of those. I finished the game with 99% completion and still didn't hit max level. You're required to do 100% to hit the cap.

What happens when you finish all the trials in Hogwarts Legacy? ›

After completing Hogwarts Legacy's story, players will gain access to two main story new quests; these being Weasley's Watchful Eye and The House Cup. The former requires players to complete the Field Guide, which means finding every single missing page.

How many Merlin quests are there in Hogwarts Legacy? ›

Solving Hogwarts Legacy Merlin Trials get you more gear slots so completing them is vital if you want avoid the message about them being full. There are 85 in total which seems like a lot, but there are actually only 9 variations to deal with, with basic puzzle set ups reused all over the map.

How do you know if you've completed all Merlin Trials? ›

To clarify: There are 95 Merlin trials in the game, and they are all on the world map. If you look at the world map, zoom out as far as you can, and move the mouse to somewhere outside any named region, then you can see (in the upper right corner of the screen) how many Merlin trials you've solved.

How many Merlin Trials are in Legacy? ›

There are 95 Merlin Trials in the game, and are highlighted on the map with a black and white icon of a flower. In order to start a Merlin Trial, you'll need Mallowsweet Leaves. If you don't have any, head to The Magic Neep in Hogsmeade and buy some.

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Article information

Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Views: 5802

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.