Goddess of Victory: NIKKE / WMG - TV Tropes (2024)

The gynoids of NIKKE have non-Newtonian fluid/gel protection as part of their skin layers

Their bodies have a layered, humanlike construction, with a generous helping of non-Newtonian gel serving as their soft sub-dermal armor. This is why they have such soft, jiggly skin and flesh, a good part of it is a soft, shock-absorbing gel layer.

Raptures and Heretics have partial distributed backups of their memories spread across their various body parts

These might be mission recorders, black boxes, or otherwise a way for Raptures to preserve their memories and AI instances by means of transferring these backups into new bodies, as well as to preserve data in case their cores/brains/primary memory was destroyed. Marian-as-Modernia has this system and managed to partially use it to save her memories despite Chatterbox's attempts to scramble her brain, which is how shreds of her original memories from being both Marian and Modernia continue to linger in her system despite having her NIMPH disabled with Vaupaus and her mind wiped.

Additionally, Chatterbox confirms the existence of a network-wide backup system, as despite having his body destroyed at the climax of chapter 13 he was later revived by the Rapture Queen's forces by chapter 23, so it's entirely possible a backup of Marian might exist on the Rapture servers.

There will be a NieR: Automata crossover.

Since the game has both their JP (Yui Ishikawa) and EN (Kira Buckland) VAs voicing characters in the game, it would be a given. It's also not the first time 2B has crossed over in another apocalyptic future game with Punishing: Gray Raven.

If her (and 9S and/or A2) are characters, they would use their Pods to fight/shoot for them.

  • Confirmed, complete with Yui and Kira reprising their shared role.
  • Jossed on the Pods. 2B uses her own gun called Virtuous Rifle while A2 uses the Type-40 Blade.

Lillith, one of the Original Pioneers who became Goddess Squad and then the Pilgrims, was turned into a Heretic after her original death.

We will have to fight Heretic Lillith eventually, and may or may not be able to rehabilitate/recruit her like Modernia and Nihilister.

As of OVER ZONE's last day, the secret ending of White Memory suggests this may be more likely than before since her head was stolen from her grave.

Future Heretic names

Since they're named after philosophies, perhaps there will be one named Pacifica who represents "pacifism", but it's an Ironic Name, and makes even Nihilister look calm and rational by comparison.

Rapi has another secret: She is using a Grimm-series Nikke body, or a Grimm-series Nikke energy core

Besides strange alien lostech magic, the only other logical reason for her to be able to channel pretty much everything Red Hood had in life would be for her to have a similar level of high-powered Nikke chassis. She pretends to be an SR Nikke to hold back and hide her true specs at Ingrid's instructions, aided by a limiter in her body. Externally, she also only has standard Nikke heat management, so she cannot fully harness the power of her Grimm-series internals.

  • Confirmed in Chapter 26. Ingrid reveals that Rapi actually possesses two cores, due to her's and Red Hood's bodies having merged at some point in the past. Elysion tried multiple times to separate Rapi and Red Hood, to no avail. Even when completely reassembling Rapi's body, Red Hood will manifest herself within that new body, as well. Denied in the same chapter once Red Hood injects herself with the toxin designed to kill her consciousness, and is gone from Rapi's body.

Mustang is partially responsible for Anderson's cybernetics

Mustang, like Anderson, is stated in-story to be the original and only CEO of Tetra Line, going all the way to the era before the Ark was founded. He almost certainly has some kind of ultra-advanced cybernetics, similar to what he uses to make the 'social life' bodies of the Tetra Line Nikkes. Anderson clearly uses the same technology to maintain his looks, given the strong implications from Red Ash that he's the Original Commander and that he managed to stay out of the attentions of the Central Government.

A combination of Vaupaus and the Chatterbox's attempt to cannibalize her for parts will cause Nihilister to flip and defect to Counters

The extreme amount of mistreatment, plus the Commander successfully clearing her mind for the first time in years with another Vaupaus dose, will cause her to decide to turn against the other Heretics and cooperate with the Commander and Counters. It will set a precedent for fighting the Raptures by freeing Heretics from their control and persuading them to side with humanity.

Red Hood's message to Rapi was incomplete.

While initially portrayed as a potential antagonist by Ingrid and Rapi, meeting Red Hood in Chapter 26 shows she's anything but. When asked by the Commander why she told Rapi to "Destroy the Ark", she is confused, as she cannot recall telling her anything like that. She tries to remember, but feels she's missing a key memory. However, what was shown was an image of Red Hood standing in front of a broken metal container containing what looks like a massive, glowing red eye, staring down at her.

It is possible, if Red Hood really told Rapi to "Destroy the Ark", that is is only part of what she really said, and the full message could have been something like "Destroy something hidden within the Ark."

Freesia is Rapi when she was still human.

During the Red Ash event (Part 2), Red Hood came across a young girl named "Freesia" that gave her a pep talk about the Goddess Squad and how they represented hope to humans, leading Red Hood to rejoins the Goddess Squad when she left due to her corruption. She swores to herself that she would become a Nikke to protect the human and despite Red Hood's protests, she will go through the reconversion.

Despite being a NPC, she has her own theme FREESIAGoddess of Victory: NIKKE / WMG - TV Tropes (1) which is rare for a character that barely has any screentime, she also has her own detailled and animated sprite (similar to Oswald).

Now, her design does not ressemble Rapi in the slightest. She DOES have long hair but they are black instead of the blond/dark blond that Rapi has. However, in the Japanese dub, she is voiced by Yui Ishikawa (who voice Rapi)

There will be a Punishing: Gray Raven crossover as well

Both games involve a Forever War against robots, have an android main character voiced by Yui Ishikawa, and have crossed over with NieR: Automata.

Chatterbox will be one of the few Raptures who ends up having Joker Immunity

No matter how many times it looks like he's finally Killed Off for Real, he'll find a way to come back to life, even to the point of becoming a Heretic.

Nihilister will complete her Heel–Face Turn by turning on Chatterbox and killing him off for real

Because Chatterbox stole parts from her when he cannibalized her to repair himself, this will spur her to turn on the Rapture Queen's cause. Her final deed before being fully considered part of Counters will be to use her flames to immolate Chatterbox and melt him into a puddle he can't be revived from.

They never got around to upgrading Scarlet to a Grimms-series chassis after Liliweiss shanghais her into Goddess Squad.

The margin of time between Scarlet joining and the events of Red Ash proper meant they never had a chance to send Scarlet to be upgraded before the Grimms-series facility was raided and used by the Raptures to research the development of their Heretics. So yes, in the present day, Scarlet is still using her vintage non-Grimms Melee Class Nikke Prototype body.

As a result of whatever happened when Rapi first met Red Hood, she never had any active NIMPH from that time onwards

Clearly whatever happened to Rapi that sees her haunted by Red Hood also disabled her NIMPH (or replaced it with a backup of Red Hood) so she has been immune to NIMPH-based corruption and memory wipes since then.

There will be a crossover with Stellar Blade

The game was developed by Shift Up, meaning they can add characters from Stellar Blade and Nikke to and from each other if they please.

  • Looking likely with this articleGoddess of Victory: NIKKE / WMG - TV Tropes (3) with Shift Up considering having Eve in a crossover event in Nikke while she gets costumes based on Rapi, Anis, and Privaty.

The source of the Ark's power is based on Rapture tech

Both the most recent event, Booms Day, and Chapter 28, hint at the fact that somehow, without any power plant, be it for thermal, wind, hydro or nuclear power, the Ark got their hands on a seemingly infinite power source, the true nature of it only known to both members of the Electric Shock squad.

When Trony first learned the true identity of the source, she locked herself in her room, believing that people are not ready to accept it. She would stay in her room ever since, until a power outage during the Booms Day event forces her to leave it in order to repair the Ark's power converter with Elegg. Once repaired, Trony decides to reveal the source to Elegg. During Chapter 28, Elegg tells Liveryn her reason for joining the surface expedition: once you find out where all the Ark's power comes from, you wouldn't want to spend another second in there.

Judging by both Elegg and Trony's reactions, the power source must be something that, if revealed, would plunge the Ark into utter chaos. The Ark's power source being based on Rapture tech would possibly cause such a reaction.

Additional hints are revealed in D.ARK HERO. A report about Material H reveals it has a similar structure and form to that of the Ark, going as far as to be compared to a miniature Ark. Its energy generation is achieved by assimilating Nikkes, with Elegg's increasingly grim expression while reading the report hinting that this could also be the case with the Ark's power source.

Enikk's request for blank Nikke bodies was meant for herself and Einkk

She has determined that it would not be safe in the long term for either Einkk or herself to remain chained to the server rooms in the Central Government building, as she is all too aware of the Central Government's plotting to strip her of power and authority and then destroy her. By creating fully functional and mobile bodies, both Einkk and herself would be able to escape their clutches in a worst-case scenario.

Raptillon will end up battling the Rapture Queen to liberate the other Raptures from her tyranny

Raptillon seeks peace between humans and friendly Raptures. If the Rapture Queen attempts to crush this threat to her plans of conquest, Raptillon will have to defend himself and will likely team up with Counters for this.

Rapi telling Liveryn that Commander is married and has two children was not exactly a lie

Given Rapi's tendencies and certain dialogue in Chapter 26, it's likely that when she told Liveryn that Commander is married, what she really meant was that he was "married" to Rapi in the sense that she wanted him to herself. The point about having two children is likely to refer to Anis and Neon, to whom Rapi is the Team Mom and to whom Commander is A Father to His (Wo)men.

Commanders' conditioning in the military academy is achieved through NIMPH-like technology

The Central Government had no reason not to make the commander training process more efficient if they had the means to do so. Since Nikkes essentially have human brains, a NIMPH-derived technology could be feasibly used to facilitate commanders' training and conditioning at the academy. Seeing Nikkes in a specific way (as in, disposable weapons that only look like humans for utility purposes), then, would be a part of the learning program. The only commanders we observe in the story who treat Nikkes with requisite respect, until a certain point, are the player Commander and Andersen, who just so happen to share a rare blood type which destroys nanomachines it comes into contact with. Due to this, the NIMPH-facilitated conditioning didn't work on them and they have the freedom to be compassionate to their troops. Commander also happens to not remember anything he was supposed to be taught at the academy, which would also be caused by the absence of nanomachines in his brain at the time of taking his courses.

  • In Chapter 19, we are introduced to Johan. While his exact outlook on Nikkes is unclear, he also originates from the Ark, but is not known to share the Rh X blood type. He was possibly externally exposed to Vapaus at some point in the past, which killed the nanomachines in his brain, giving him the freedom to reevaluate his priorities and ultimately defect from the Ark.

Rapi can absorb other Nikkes into her body

Chapter 26 reveals that after meeting Red Hood at the end of Red Ash, the two became very close, and when it was finally time for Red Hood to go, Rapi might've developed a superpower out of desperation, which would allow her to preserve Red Hood within herself by absorbing her. This ability would then also explain why Modernia couldn't absorb Rapi at the end of Chapter 13.

Neon actually is a spy, but not for Ingrid

We don't know pretty much anything about Neon, and the technology in her glasses is way above her paygrade. It is not in the realm of impossible that her glasses were modified for surveillance purposes by a third party unrelated to Elysion. This would make her "I'm a spy for Ingrid" act an inadvertent case of Obfuscating Stupidity; bonus points if Neon herself has no clue about her real role.

Nihilister's power as a playable character will be restored in future content

Given the events of the Main Campaign, where Nihilister is not only struck by Vaupaus (which disrupted her Heretic brainwashing and abilities), but also cannibalized for parts by Chatterbox and Indivilia, it's easy to see why her playble version lost most of her advanced powers in battle. However, once Nihilister takes revenge in a future chapter by returning the favor to Chatterbox or Indivilia, she will regain a significant chunk of her stolen hardware and regain her more powerful flame-based abilities, which would then reflect on her playable version with strengthened skills.

Grave's ultimate goal is to resurrect Cinderella

What little she said about her objective indicates as much. The idea about "rewriting her story" likely has to do with how Cinderella never got to live as Cinderella due to getting corrupted before awakening, so she only really lived as Anachiro, a wrong that Grave intends to right.

Chatterbox's dream is to install Modernia as the Rapture Queen

In Chapter 6, Chatterbox begged its queen for mercy after being defeated by Snow White, immediately after which, Modernia has been revealed to have been descending onto the scene, and Chatterbox likely noticed her presence before anyone else, so it likely referred to Modernia as its queen. Later on, in Last Kingdom, Chatterbox tries to sway Marian back to the Raptures' side and even refers to her as its "dream" during its Villainous Breakdown caused by observing Marian still fighting on humanity's side despite Chatterbox's manipulations. This, combined with The Reveal by Indivilia in the same event that she was unable to ever sense Modernia in the way that Heretics can sense each other, may mean that Modernia was no simple Heretic, but had the potential to become the new Rapture Queen.

  • The Hard Mode ending of Last Kingdom provides more evidence as Chatterbox addresses Marian as its Queen after she orders it and Indivilia to cease their attack on the Crown Kingdom and leave, making the two of them bow before her.

Marian will grant Chatterbox's dream, but not the way he wanted it.

Marian will eventually decide to end the war between humanity and Raptures on her own terms and seek to depose the current Rapture Queen, so that she can take over and sign a peace treaty with her beloved Commander to end hostilities. Raptillon will become her ambassador or liason.

Andersen will restore Liliweiss from within the Rapture Queen

Andersen is strongly implied to be the Legendary Commander, while Snow White, after seeing Liliweiss' decapitated corpse, suspects that Liliweiss is the current Rapture Queen. As the story progresses, the player Commander saves the first Nikke to have been under his command, Marian, from being a Heretic (and if the theory above ends up confirmed, he also saves her from being a potential Rapture Queen!). The Legendary Commander saving his first Nikke from a similar fate would make for rather prominent action poetry. Bonus points if he gets to command the Pioneer squad to achieve that purpose. To that end, the Ark will have to find a way to implant a portable power source into Andersen's body a la Tony Stark, but it does not appear to be in the realm of impossible.

Mica, Blanc, and Noir got their alternate looks from winter costumes that were originally made for Counters

Mica is a near-perfect fit for Neon's stuff, Blanc can fit into Rapi's stuff, and Noir is about half a size larger than Anis in general. They got the clothes instead because Counters had emergency maintenance and couldn't join them at the hot springs.

Chatterbox won't stay dead after "Last Kingdom"

Considering all a Rapture needs is to consume other parts to survive, all Kilo and TALOS did was render it inactive. An unlucky group of Raptures will stumble upon its head just as it reboots, feeds on them, and then picks back up where it left off, stronger than before.

  • The exact details of Chatterbox's future comeback may be up to debate, but the very fact he will come back is, for all intents and purposes, a certainty, given how overt of a Disney Villain Death he was given in the event.
  • Confirmed in Last Kingdom's Hard Mode ending down to the part about Chatterbox's head luckily ending up in a swarm of Raptures it could feed on to regenerate, but it's unclear whether it grew stronger or not.

The "old" Mihara was eventually restored after the memory wipe in Chapter 4, just not to Yuni's expectations

No one other than Yuni has stated that the "old Mihara" is dead, and if her attitude at the end of Chapter 4, when reintroducing herself to freshly memory-wiped Mihara, is any indication, Yuni's intention was not exactly to restore Mihara in a way that's faithful to her true personality, but rather to recreate her according to how Yuni herself wished she would be, as evidenced by Yuni being awfully enthusiastic about the concept of being the one who "knows everything about Mihara" and who will "restore the true Mihara". One would think that if Yuni's intention was to restore the real Mihara, she'd approach this issue in a more level-headed fashion, such as the approach Commander chose to Rapi when he was under the impression that she was memory wiped. However, the personality Yuni tried to impart in Mihara was different than what little we've seen of the original one in Chapter 4. Most notably, Yuni expected Mihara to condone the former inflicting pain on unwilling recipients, mostly Syuen, when originally, Mihara made it a point to make everything Safe, Sane, and Consensual. Yuni stated that the "old Mihara" was "dead" multiple times when Mihara, in displaying her true personality, failed to act the way Yuni wanted her to act. What was dead was, therefore, not the "old", true Mihara, but Yuni's idea of remolding her to her wishes.

Rapi's power is directly tied to her sense of self

Rapi's apparent power spike, observed in Chapter 30, correlates with an epiphany about her friends, her important ones and her purpose that she had in Chapter 26. Her mental journey may eventually include realising that she is indeed a human mentally, Full-Conversion Cyborg as she is, and having a Love Epiphany with Commander, all of which will correlate to further boosts in power. This is hinted at with certain dialogue in Chapter 30 that indicates that Rapi does indeed long for being recognized as a human being, and with increasing amounts of Ship Tease between her and Commander.

Goddess of Victory: NIKKE / WMG - TV Tropes (2024)
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