Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!! - Claire Justine (2024)

Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!! Hello friends, happy Friday. Also, Welcome To The Weekend Link Up. Thanks so much for stopping by today and I hope you have fun at this week’s blog hop.

Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!! - Claire Justine (1)

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!!

Did you also know today is National Caramel Popcorn Day? We are big fans of popcorn and found out that most popcorns are gluten-freeso my Daughter can still eat it with her coeliac disease. We love the bags of popcorn that you can pop into the microwave and cook. It smells delicious too.

National Caramel Popcorn Day: Weekend Link Up. If you love popcorn too, you might like to try out some of these recipe ideas:

Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!! - Claire Justine (2)

Peanut Butter Pancakes With Salted Caramel Popcorn Sauce. Firstly, Peanut Butter Pancakes With Salted Caramel Popcorn Sauce anyone!? Yes, indulgent! And yes, delicious!! Do you also fancy some pancakes for breakfast? Peanut butter pancakes? With caramel popcorn sauce? So yummy. Peanut Butter Pancakes With Salted Caramel Popcorn Sauce.

Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!! - Claire Justine (3)

Maple Syrup And Bacon Popcorn. Secondly, love popcorn and fancy giving it a savoury twist? How about adding bacon and maple syrup to it? Maple syrup and bacon popcorn. What a great idea!? Sweet and salty, this snack is taken to a whole new level by the crispy shards of pancetta. Maple Syrup And Bacon Popcorn.

Bubble Gum Plums With Caramelised Popcorn:

Thirdly, Bubble Gum Plums With Caramelised Popcorn, what a beautiful combination! This mouth-wateringly delicious recipe is made with South African Flavorking plums, which have a beguiling taste of bubble-gum. A simple and delicious recipe in which you flavour your popcorn and fry your plums. One thing to decide is, will you be adding some vanilla ice cream to the dish whilst warm? So yummy! Bubble Gum Plums With Caramelised Popcorn.

Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!! - Claire Justine (5)

Popcorn Rocky Roads. Fourthly, caramel popcorn twist on your usual rocky roads, anyone? Me and my children are not fans of dark chocolate. I think it is the bitter taste of it that make us go errr. I had some as a gift at Christmas that need to be used so I made these double chocolate popcorn rocky roads. Popcorn Rocky Roads.

Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!! - Claire Justine (6)

Gluten Free Popcorn Fudge Brownies. Last but not least, Gluten Free Popcorn Fudge Brownies, how cool!! For a different flavour, replace the Dr. Oetker Caramel Flavour with Madagascan Vanilla Natural Extract, and try using Dr. Oetker Chocolate Easy Fill Cake Centre instead. Replace the gluten-free flour with plain white flour if preferred – this will give a slightly less dense texture. For a more spongy texture, add 1 sachet (5g/1 tsp) Dr Oetker Baking Powder to each of the brownie batters. The cake will rise more round the edges, leaving the centre dense and fudgy. If you cook the cake for 5-10 minutes longer, it will have a more aerated texture all over. Gluten Free Popcorn Fudge Brownies.

National Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!!

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Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!! - Claire Justine (8)

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Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!! - Claire Justine (9)

Claire Justine

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Caramel Popcorn Day: 5 Recipes To Try Today!! - Claire Justine (2024)


How long does caramel popcorn stay fresh? ›

To keep your caramel corn fresh, be sure to store it in an airtight container or resealable bag (making sure to press as much air out as you can). The better you seal your container, the longer it will last. You can store it at room temperature on your counter for up to 2-3 weeks.

Why is my caramel popcorn soggy? ›

Caramel corn will taste soft and chewy right out of the oven. Give it some time to cool. If it's still tasting soggy after 1–2 hours of cooling at room temperature, you may have under-baked the caramel corn. 1 hour in the oven is usually plenty.

Will popcorn stay fresh in a Ziploc bag? ›

Pack the popcorn into an airtight container.

If you can, fill the container to the top so there's not as much air in it. If you don't have a jar or rigid storage container, use a sealable plastic bag. Remove all of the air before closing the bag.

Why is my caramel popcorn not crunchy? ›

So I suggest boiling the caramel just for 2 minutes as called for in the recipe then adapting the texture with the baking time. Less baking time = chewier popcorn, longer baking time = crispier popcorn harder. To make crunchy popcorn: Heat oven to 200°F.

How do you make Martha Stewart caramel popcorn? ›

In a small saucepan, bring butter, sugar, 1/8 teaspoon salt, and 2 tablespoons water to a boil, stirring constantly. Working quickly, drizzle popcorn with sugar syrup, and toss. Spread popcorn evenly on prepared baking sheet. Bake, tossing occasionally, until golden and shiny, about 40 minutes.

Is caramel popcorn good or bad for you? ›

While caramel-coated popcorn may be a tempting snack, its simple carbs and high sugar content can lead to spikes in blood glucose levels, increasing the risk of hyperglycemia and other health problems.

How do you make caramel popcorn crispy again? ›

The easiest way to refresh leftover popcorn is to toss it in the oven to warm it up and re-crisp it. Simply spread it out in an even layer on a baking sheet and place it in a 250°F oven for about five minutes, until it's warmed through.

Why put egg in caramel popcorn? ›

Even if you want to add candy or sauces, it doesn't require an egg. Still, some say the egg keeps the kernels from sticking together, while others say it's to keep wannabe chefs from adding too many kernels to the pan.

Is Orville Redenbacher Melt on caramel popcorn discontinued? ›

Yes, we've discontinued the Melt On Caramel Gourmet Popping Corn. We're so sorry for your inconvenience. Thanks for sharing your interest, we definitely will inform our team you want it back!

Why do people like caramel popcorn? ›

Caramel popcorn is one of the most popular snack foods in the world, with a history that dates back hundreds of years. This delicious treat features caramelized sugar and often molasses, which gives it its distinctive flavor and texture.

Why does my caramel corn taste bitter? ›

Overheating the mixture

Be very careful as you heat your caramel. Follow the recipe carefully, and never melt your caramel on your stove's highest setting—it will cause the caramel to scorch and taste burnt. Once it gets a burnt or bitter flavor, it can't be saved.

Does cream of tartar help caramel? ›

Why add cream of tartar to the sugar syrup? It's extra insurance against the syrup crystallizing. Many readers successfully make this sauce without it; but if you ever find yourself dealing with crystallized (instead of smooth) syrup, be sure to add the cream of tartar next time around.

How to fix burnt caramel popcorn? ›

Before pitching a botched batch of caramel, here are a couple quick fixes. One option would be to try masking the bitterness of burnt caramel by incorporating instant coffee into the mix.

How do you make caramel popcorn fresh again? ›

The easiest way to refresh leftover popcorn is to toss it in the oven to warm it up and re-crisp it. Simply spread it out in an even layer on a baking sheet and place it in a 250°F oven for about five minutes, until it's warmed through.

How to keep caramel corn fresh? ›

Store caramel corn in an airtight container at room temperature to keep it fresh and crunchy. Avoid storing it in the refrigerator, as the humidity can make it soft.

How long does candied popcorn stay fresh? ›

Storage Instructions. Store candy popcorn in an airtight container for up to one week.

How far in advance can I make popcorn cones? ›

It's great day one and two. It's good, but not great day three and four, marginal day five. This is making sure that it's really sealed up tight though with no extra air. Buy a bag, test it out, see if you enjoy the results.

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