Abilene Reporter-News (2024)

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ndrews Clash
In Class A
Full House, a
Clear Skies CA4
Seen Today
A Headliner
I Breck (1e-1-1) Opp. Andrews •
1 24 Sweetwater 0 12 Seminol
14 Wichita Falls 14 I 8 Snyder
J 7 Levelland 61 56 Hobbs
I 13 Abilene 14 12 Levella
1 22 Snyder 20 48 Colorad
1 12 Mineral Wells 0 34 Kermit
16*Graham 0 1 16 Pecos
24 Weatherford 12 12 Ector
44 Vernon 0 26 Brownfi
44 Brownwood 6 28 Monaha
32 Lamesa (bi- 18 Levellai
dist) 01 dist)
, 293 Totals 721 270 Totals
Player Wt. Pos. Player
James Bussell.....155
Glen Dixon .......210
Jimmy Wright.....185
Ronnie Martin ....170
Eddie Hyatt ......185
Leonard Tolbert ...180
W. H. Roberts.....170
Jerry Gibson .... 155
Billy West .:..... 153
Joe Dan Knox.....153
Dickie Rogers
Dudley Mitchell ...170
Pat Anglin ......170
Gary Parrish .....190
co*ker Lassiter ....190
Virgil Coffee .....170
Preston Dooley ,..195
Harold Duncan ...180
Douglas Jeffreys ..152
Tommy Walker ...152
Ted Nelson ......155
Lloyd Carruth ...155
■ UTA Abilene, Texas, Saturday Morning, December 5, 1959
Sports Writer
ANDREWS — The high-
BUMGARDNER AT BALLINGER — San Angelo College Coach Max Bumgard-
ner. at left above, is congratulated by Ballinger-Bearcat Coach Cedric Bettis after
Bumgardner addressed some 200 persons at the Ballinger High School football
banquet Friday night Bumgardner has tw ice been named Texas junior college 1
“Coach of the Year" since becoming head coach at -San Angelo College in 1950. riding Breckenridge Buck-
(Photo Courtesy Claude Stone. Ballinger) aroos. fresh from a 32-0 bi-
‘Winners Must Sacrifice
Ballinger Gridders Told
district triumph over La-
mesa. bump headon into
- the speedy Andrews Mus-
tangs here Saturday after-
y noon at 2 in a state quarter-
final clash.
A capacity crowd of 8.200
' spectators is expected to
view the contest, which ac-
Wildcats Play
By JOE MeLAUGHLIN er." the former Texas all-South-lored along with the 1959 Ballinger cording 10 the weather man.
Reporter-News Sports Writer west Conference star told the Bearcat gridders, will be played under clear
BALLINGER — "You can never gathering - Sponsoring the banquet this skies with temperatures in
take the tackling, blocking and Bumgardner, who also played year, as every year, was the Bal- the low 60s.
sacrificing out of football,” San for the Chicago Bears and the linger. Quarterback Club The Andrew s club coached by - .
Angelo Coach Max Bumgardner Detroit Lions and who was twice Mas er of ceremonies was Glenn Frazier wui acebthed bl
- told some 200 persons at the Bal. honored as "Coach of the Year" George Newby, president of the dherBuerrenerihenidieabiespiar
• - linger High School fooball ban- among Texas junior college coach- club, while entertainmentwas the foe to date The datie lax:
quet Friday night es, also noted 10 things it takes to furnished by Suzanne Middleton. ot foe to date. The Mustangs
925 day . „ ... become a - real- football player Ann Davidson. Joy Herring and have fled to a 9-2 season record.
"You have put everything and what a boy can learn from pianist Grace Ann Parrish losing only to Levelland, 20-12,
..ahead of your personal benefits t00 can yam IOm --early in the season and Class AAA
to be a successful football play- ne game
1—To control my temper 2— A 1
to exercise judgment, think quick- I I
ly and act decisively: 3—to learn 1 lllvJ VQIIIJ
the meaning of discipline: 4—to
learn regular healthful habits: 5— Pa |
to meet, know and size up men A I
6—to learn to smile when most 1 IIIQIJ Ml
AxO5 A % discouraged 7—to learn the im-
portance of being on time 8—
KILGore. Tex Api-Charleg Mo eramdhatereet Coro 2nd fromu: Blackwell - -
Masters led Mt P>easant to a 21-7 my own proble.ns: 10 to know —
Ml. Pleasant
power Snyder, 37-8.
I Andrews, however, which has
improved with every encounter,
came back to defeat Levelland,
the South Plains power, 18-14, last
week in bi-district.
Coach Emory Bellard’s Buckies
slipped past Levelland, 76. in their
third game of the season, and nip-
ped Snyder, 22-20.
9 MILWAUKEE, Wis - For the
9 third time within live days Abi-
I lene Christian College's lighting
1 cagers will clash with one of the
N nation's top quintets as they meet
3 Marquette University’s Warriors
here Saturday night at 8 p.m.
2 (CST) in Milwaukee Arena.
%e Both ACC and Marquette are
, winless going into Saturday's
e’ game. St Louis dropped the Wild-
L cats. 89 64, and Bradley trounced
them. 110-68. The Warriors were
defeated Thursday night by New
6-2 Ed Carter at guards in addi-
tion to Kojis and Mangham.
The Marquette coach runs a
fast brand of basketball which he
calls the "controlled three-lane
fast break". Under this style of
play the Warriors speed down all
three lanes when the opportunity
is presented.
"We’re not hitting and we’re not
getting back on defense." said
Wildcat coach Nutt. "If well ever
just relax under the strain of this
. . , - . tough competition, we’ll play tough
7 York University, 70-69; in Madi- ball *
AA omerst owos 3571 . M *’ t cagy * Ivin UHvCIDay, •
FOUR-YEAR MAN - Ronnie Martin, 170 pound sen- son Square Garden C
ior. has been a four-year starter for the defending Marquette aTpack r m
champion Breckenridge Buckaroos. Ronnie is con- W i Enidaxenad The
sidered one of the best linemen for the Buckles. He Wildcats reached Milwaukee by
was a starter as a freshman when Breckenridge last their chartered bus in mid-after-
failed to win the district championship He'll be in noon and will limber up at the
the lineup Saturday against the Andrews Mustangs at arena Saturday morning
Andrews in the Class AAA quarterfinals clash. (Staff inability to hit has been ACC’s
Photo by Bill Nelsent---------------—— ------big trouble in their first two out -
Olney Whips
DENTON, Tex (AP)—Olney‘s
Cubs ran their victory string to
A • Agoony wo 1 ABOU from " He 13 straight Friday night as they
The Mustangs will definitely be A vAAA senlar n L for a poors ’ percent burka rd beat Daingerfield 34-14 to advance
victory over Athens Friday night : T * HedsE NT BLACKWELL CRNS Mi les out for revenge in this one. be-VOCO, NOTul VY I Guard Mike Allen-anddfermsard ,0 the semi-finals of Class AA
to advance to the semi-finals of the that 1 x.e earned friendship mon BLACKWELL - Miles cause last season in this same * Gene Denman have scored con. i schoolboy football
class AA senoolboy football race ey can t buy k - boys advanced to the finals Satur- quarterfinal tussle the Buckles ran .. .. . tenily with 21.5 and 15 S averages Harold Philipps ran 39 yards for
He passed for 136 yards and ran Bumgardner closed his address day and the Blackwell boys to the roughi-shod over Andrews 44-0 Irespectively. Allen’s backcourt one touchdown and Jim Grisham
for 45 in sparking the East Texans with this poem that he picked up consolation game as a result of This encounter is expected to beNTGMHIN CAT mate. Buddy Tarver, hit his stride 49 for another as Olney scored
to a decisive victory from a Methodist pastor at a their wins, here Friday night in somewhat closer ■■■ ■ IMIIIIIII ■▼BWWB against Bradley with 15. twice in the first period
Athens scored first recovering coaching school the Blackwell inv itational tourna- The lead Mustang for Andrew s If big Robert McLeod could re- Daingerfield closed the gap to 14-
a fumble on the Mt Pleasant 35 “We come into this world all ment. , is a tightly wrapped 155 pounder. HAMLIN (RNS) — Favorites Rcby Peggy Sumerlin and Wanda gain his sophom*ore scoring pace * 10 the second period when Jerry
and Larry Thomas running for the naked and bare.....In the girls games. Robert Lee who is also a state champion Avoca and Rotan Friday night Barina each had 13 for Roby of 18 per game against Marquette McGraw capped a 47 yard march
touchdown Duke Carlisle convert- "We go through this life with advanced to the finals, and Black sprinter — one Ted Nelson The advanced to the semifinals of Hamlin’s 36-32 victory was led and if center Ate wad. by bouncing over from the two .
‘ ed worry and care well to the consolation junior right halfback is an all- the Hamlin Invitational basketball, a „. T . dump in several points, the Olney then drove 80 yards with
in the second period Glen Onley “We go from this life we know In the boys’ game. Noodle de- the way"threat every time he tournament with lopsided wins by the-17 points of both Zoan cats could fight the Warriors a the ensuing kickoff with Grisham
blocked a pun and ran to the not where seated Winters B 53-22 Lowell touches the ball * P over Haskell and Albany respec Wiregar and Jean Jenkins, Los-good battle
Athens 38 with the ball “Masters k ‘But-if you’re a thoroughbred Sipe was high point for Noodle The starting backfield is light lively Action in both girls and ing Aspermont s. Betty Mcnu*tt
passed to Shelton Price for a here.’ with 19 points Ken Crowe made 5boys divisions will resume Sat hit 16. ■
touchdown and Joe Temple con- "You’ll be a thoroughbred eight points for the Winters team foursome than most teams urday morning with finals slated Bobbie Mc Mahon hit 31 of wyne s =c forward Walt Same.- - =- —
======== ======================== ======
Athene pass on the Mt. Pleasant —------------meet the winner of the Bronte- Lloyd Carruth, a 155-ounder. will edzed Aspermont, 36-12 Wylie SC"
10 Danny Brownlee made the last I Winters B game slated for 10 15 hold down the fullback post and beat Albany 46-259. and Avoca de
five yards and Temple kicked the Lueders Quintet a m Saturday The consolation Douglas Jeffreys, a 152-pound jun- feated Rotan, 53-35. -----
extra pointXgame will be at 6:45 p.m ior will be the quarterback
Tilth fount verted prirtan . Miles boys won over Robert Lee And if there isn’t enough speed
in EL ES 'o the Amnde KIDS Paint Creek 36 11 Rodney Gordon was high there sometimes R E Merritt.
MPALN scorer for Miles with 10 points another track star, moves to right
touchdown Mike Marshall made LUEDERS ERNS) — Lueders Jerry Blair and Donnie Robert- half and Nelson moves to the left
it with a 3-yard plunge and Temple boys’ basketball team, in their son both made nine points Jot-side, furnishing even more
converted opening game here Friday night Robert Lee. Tackle Gary Parrish and guard , ragan w cau recuca . . ... aier ,..1*.u . -,^ -------
------—----------------—. deleated Paint Creek. 30-36Miles will meet the winner of Preston Dooley anchor the An- 4:30 pm - Wylie Girls vs non-district high school basketball could do no better than 11-11 the
CACE DECI The Lueders girls lost to Paint the Loraine Noodle game for the drews line and both are all-dis- Avoca Girls victory over Hobbs while Mike year before
—LAUE REUL Creek howexer. 51-40-- championship That game will be trict performers, as is Carruth 6 00 — Loser, Rotan Avoca vs Soto found the range for the losers Hickey will probably send 6-5
a. The Asscrimtee Press Junior Revies, a forward, led the at 2:15, and the final game at Walker is the Mustangs top loser. Hamlin-Merkel with 13 points Joe Plinska against the Wildcats
__. COLLEGE - * R II points, 9:15 p.m o , , scorer with 70 points, including 7:30 - Haskell Girls vs. Ham The Hobbs girls defeated Pea at forward and 6-0 Jim Kollar and
=== T. and Ren GATVE Tor ATA O aX WC E B adls Aun wer No io touchdowns and - extra points lin Girls sefiampionehipi . ^ um wh carol Walker--
Fst : 5 < «u .. lowed closely with 10 points each scorer for Winters with 3 points Quarterback Jerry Gibson, Full- .9:00 - Winner Rotan-Avoca vs. scoring 17 points *° lead the vie- Gore Leads Vera
-= ============= ===-.=-BL
for Paint Creek to pace the team „ Gibson, the cool-headed signal stem with 18 points Gary Anthony - . bucketed 28 points here Friday
past Lueders Diane Hurr racked up 2 pints for caller, is an excellent faker ’^ hit 18 for the Indians Cage T ournament night fo pace Vera to a 61-34 non.
Jeanette Moore made 17 points Div ide passer, good runner and a tre- Rotan‘s 57 -35 v ictory past Al Set at Sweetwate F | district high school basketball v ic-
for Lueders for the team’s hizh- Blackwell will play the winner mendous leader His generalship bany was paced by Gary Smiths A tory over Weinert •
point honors, and her sister. Mary of the Loraine Noodi, set has enabled the Buckaroos to post 14 Albany's Raymond Taylor hit SWEETWATER (RNS) — The N e uh * . . .
. GS Xaemy a accounted for 15 points , for s a m. Saturday, tor the on a 10-1-1 record this year against 15. ■ ninth annual Booker T Washing Keith Hobbs had 10 for the los-
ia.S ... . LUEDERS 12 20 36 90 solation Time for the consolation some of the toughest competition Two Haskell girls. Lavern Jones ton single elimination basketball ers.
Roberts wenlevan 3 PAINT CREEK 817 23 F game is 6:46 p.m in the state. and Mylta Krager each sank 20 tournamen gets under way Sat
. - Robert Lee won over Miles Rogers, a 170-pound block bust points to lead the 52-39 win over urday morning, with six boys and
n E ===== Anson Clobbers =============== Gilt, sounc =
fercer n Pr terian 68 rambled for 1,043 in 12. outings Anson bounce Trams participating are Breck-
a Beniamin 37.27 Ro L to e Ampon: Gibson has gained €1 yards on By Winters, 50-34
1 • III J I’Ll ship will play the winner of the the while halfback^ Troy Ken 3
FE* BENJAMIN RNS, - Anson Fpomis satoiemy Rmmproh Mop m and ma yards, respectively.
Pinware star 79, Morgan State 75 over swept two boys games from Ben game will be at a p.m Saturday If Dixon, a solid 210-pounder, is
time .core ... jamin Friday night 37-27 in the - * MLAPm Saturday slowed by the Mustangs it will
varhe ** * AE.1E —be a chore no other Breck oppo-
nent has accomplished The bur-
ly tackle was unstoppable against
Lamesa, as was his rugged team-
--ings as they have connected on
. only 50 of 1.M shots from the field
s for a poor 32.5 per cent
IE Guard Mine then and he want
A Gene Denman have scored consis
tire you
lene. 56
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who nee
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duroy ti
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come m
the Unit
terlock I
ennesire 1
Trimont 85
Texas State 5 Northeast La 51
igo Ilin 71 Chicago Teachers 68
r St Olaf 75
Forest North Park 37 •
a Chicago B4 Western Ontario 60
ima B4 Spring Hill
lorris Harvey 107. (
Tizona State 79, Kent ry ..
Vest Virginia 891 The Citadel "
mporia State 82 Missour Valley 58
Em Michigan • Detroit Tech 49
Wooster 91, Alma, Mich
Clarion, Pe. 75, California
Texas ALM 86, Trinity '
Southwestern. Tex 80. s
------going the last 13 yards to make
Marquette does not have a big the score 20-6 at the half.
man but possesses two outstand- Olney got two more touchdow ns
west, ing rebounders in 6-6 center Don in the third period to sew up the
wylies Vale and forward Walt Mang.. w 0
for the Avoca girls in the 53-35 25 rebounds to tie Marquette’s next kickoff and Olney went to
over Rotan Gay Little single game indiv idual record in another touchdown made by Ken-
hit 18 for the losers that department neth Rue from the six...
. -------------— The Warriors are coached by McGraw passed 24 yards to
Saturdays action: LO . Eddie Hickey, now in his sec- Richard Crossland for the second
9:00 a.m. — Haskell vs Alhapy Feoco*ck quint L Ops ond season at Marquette Last Daingerfield score
10:15 Roby Girls vs Asper- Hobbs by 43 to 24 season he was named "Coach
mont Girls 7 of the Year" by the Bas-
11-30— Rotan vs Avoca PEAco*ck (RNS) - Willie Roa hetball Writers Association for
1 4- Harulin vs Market dropped 19, points here Friday leading Marquette to a 23-6 mark
12 45 - Hamlin vs Merkel night to lead Peaco*ck to a 43-24 after inheriting a squad which
Weinert nipped Vera. 32-29, in
girls Action with Erlanda Alex-
158 1
• Original Design
• Personalized Service
7th 1
Nothing Down
Up to 36 Months to Pay
ft to 10 Feet
ander sinking 22 for the winners
and Barbara Weiss hitting 13 for
enridge, Ballinger, Colorado City,
Hamlin, Stamford and Sweet-VERA
19 30 43 61
3 19 25 34
ANSON (RNS) - Anson chilled water
Winters, 50-34, in non-district high TH
school girls cage action here Fri- —
day night with Holly Hunt and M
Linda Bennett combining to pace ■
the victory with 17 points each F
Winters won the girls B game t
by 37-33, with Smith scoring 17
points. * E
jamin Friday night 37-27 in the________-__- _
varsity contest and 35-15 in the .
B team games Wylie Quintet Nipt
Anson’s Barber led his winning Baird E 35
team with 75 and Donnie Ryder pair Dy 4*
of Benjamin was high for his BAIRD (RNS, - Wylie, trail- mate Wright
Beniamin’s girls team defeated by 21-25 - halftime, pulled
M Rhineland, 45-34 Peggy Jennings Fatter behind rally. there
scored 11 for Benjamin and Sand--onS R l e Haim. 4
ra Keller Nt 17 for Rhineland action.* school cage |
» , . . Don Rodriguez paced the win-
retty t 27 Sparks ners with 12 points, while Higgs
Highland by Trent CI" heh Pain homer
HIGHLAND (RNS, —Darel Pet. Baird won the B game by 2027
ty scored 27. points here Friday An Hr MS
night to pace Highland to a 54-28 ooonnea for Band
victory over Trent in the District 1 onowell scorinE 12
13-B high school cage opener wyiiE * 4
... - ^ ^ • ##E#
to pace Trent to a 50-24 girls’. AAA OCARTERFINALS:
victory, while Monte n uket-MI * 1
istin *
I Louis 75, Southwest
I as. Carthage in n
58, Westmar 54
: niver Foren,
Would you like to know for SURE if your
or Be 99t /
family could have
FREEZER and eat
BETTER with less
effort on your
present FOOD
Budget (Many
Families DO)
- 7 Then CALL
for en interesting interview 1
PEN PEMci ser
rem. vax ICL.
A gift of everlasting beauty and usefulness
Printers, in
2 to 3 Feet

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The Abilene Reporter-News (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 79, No. 172, Ed. 1 Saturday, December 5, 1959,newspaper, December 5, 1959; Abilene, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth1659736/m1/10/:accessed August 13, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Abilene Public Library.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.