2-Ingredient Chia Seed Jam Recipe (No Sugar) (2024)

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By Carine Claudepierre
Published on 04/26/2021 - Last updated on 12/06/2023

4.99 from 113 votes

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This easy 2-ingredient chia seed jam recipe is perfect to spread on a slice of bread, pancakes, or crepes.

Bonus, this is a sugar-free jam recipe ready in only 5 minutes and it freezes very well to meal prep some healthy, tasty jam for breakfast.

2-Ingredient Chia Seed Jam Recipe (No Sugar) (2)

Table of contents

What’s Chia Seed Jam?

Chia seed jam is a homemade jam recipe made of healthy chia seeds and fruits.

It’s a jam made without sugar or gelatin. It only uses fruits and healthy plant-based chia seeds as a gel to provide a similar sticky, gooey texture to the store-bought jam.

It’s a great healthy breakfast jam or baby first food for vegan babies infants to introduce berries, fibers, and plant-based proteins from the chia seeds.

How To Make Chia Seed Jam

This chia seed jam recipe is a simple 2-ingredient recipe perfect for people who love sugar-free jam


It’s made with 2 simple healthy ingredients:

  • Berries – feel free to use fresh or frozen fruits. Both work very well. The best choice listed in order of sweetness, from the sweeter to the most bitter, are blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries.
  • Chia seeds or ground chia seeds – these super seeds contain lots of fiber, omega-3, plant-based proteins, and anti-oxidants. Once in contact with water or juicy fruits, they soak up the liquid and form a gel-like texture similar to jam. As a result, they are the perfect healthy ingredients to create a jam-like texture without adding sugar to kid food. You can also use ground chia seeds to avoid the lumpy texture of chia seeds in your jam.

Optional ingredients

You can add some other ingredients to your baby chia jam recipe to add an extra flavor to your jam like:

  • Lemon juice – perfect with blueberries but not recommended if you are making a raspberry chia jam recipe. In fact, raspberries or naturally bitter, so adding lemon turns the baby jam very sour. Sour is a great flavor to introduce to babies, but too many sour fruits can upset their gut.
  • Vanilla extract or pure vanilla seeds – to add a hint of vanilla flavor.
  • Sweetener – you can sweeten the jam with 1-2 tablespoons of maple syrup or stevia.
2-Ingredient Chia Seed Jam Recipe (No Sugar) (3)

Cook the jam

Add the berries to a saucepan over medium heat. Heat and stir the berries, mashing with a fork or potato masher as you go to form a berry mash.

Then, add the chia seeds or ground chia seeds and keep mashing them into the seeds to form the sugar-free jam.

Bring to a light boil and cook the jam for 1-2 minutes until it thickens and the mixture is consistent.

Cool completely

Place the cooked jam in a glass mason jar at room temperature for 15 minutes.

Finally, seal the jar and store it in the fridge for a few hours to thicken.

The Best Jam Flavor Combinations

You can use this baby jam recipe to create varieties of jam flavors like:

  • Sugar-free raspberry jam – use only raspberries.
  • Sugar-free strawberry jam – use only strawberries.
  • Blueberries raspberries – use half/half of each berry.
  • Blueberries strawberry chia jam – use half/half of each berry.

Serving Chia Seed Jam

You can serve this raspberry chia seed jam recipe on its own as a healthy raw dessert or for breakfast on top of a slice of vegan gluten-free bread, vegan pancakes, or vegan crepes.

It makes the best combo of flavor served with peanut butter or almond butter.

Another option is to use a baby jam for vegan babies from 9 months.

Storage Instructions

This baby jam recipe can be stored for up to 4 days in the fridge in a sealed glass mason jar or airtight container.

You can also freeze the baby jam in ice cube trays in single portions, but only if you used fresh fruits! You should never freeze a product that has been frozen before to avoid bacteria contamination.

So if you used frozen berries for this recipe, the jam must be eaten within 4 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Make This Jam Without Chia Seeds?

Sure, you can make this baby jam recipe using 2 teaspoons of one of the gluten-free starchy flour below:
corn starch
arrowroot powder
Cook the fruits recommended by the recipe, then sprinkle the arrowroot flour or cornstarch onto the cooked fruits and keep cooking until a sticky jam forms.

Can I sweeten my chia jam?

Yes, you can add a sweetener to the pan when cooking the fruits. The best refined-sugar-free sweeteners to use in this sugar-free chia seed jam is unrefined liquid sweeteners – 1 or 2 tablespoons of sweetener like rice syrup, maple syrup, or agave syrup are great options.

More Vegan Breakfast Recipes

Below I listed some more healthy toddler recipes for you to try:

High-Protein Granola

Granola Butter Recipe

Vegan Acai Bowl Recipe

Vegan Blueberry Breakfast Bars

Peanut Butter Snickers Cookies

Pitaya Bowl

Eggless French Toast

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2-Ingredient Chia Seed Jam Recipe (No Sugar) (11)

Raspberry Chia Seed Jam

A sugar-free chia seed jam recipe for a healthy breakfast spread, 100% vegan, gluten-free, and keto-friendly.

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Prep Time: 5 minutes mins

Cook Time: 10 minutes mins

Total Time: 15 minutes mins

Course: Breakfast

Cuisine: American

Servings: 32 servings (1 tbsp)

Calories: 10 kcal

Author: Carine Claudepierre

4.99 from 113 votes


US CustomaryMetric

  • 2 cups Berries - fresh or frozen. Can be raspberries or strawberries or blueberries
  • 2 tablespoons Chia Seeds - or ground chia seeds (or 2 teaspoons arrowroot flour)



  • Place the fruits, fresh or frozen, into a saucepan and bring the saucepan to low-medium heat.

  • Stir and mash fruits with a fork or potato masher to form a fruit mash. If the fruits are frozen, they are difficult to mash straight away, so stir and cook the fruits and mash as soon as they have softened.

  • Stir in chia seeds or arrowroot flour, bring to a light boil, and stir/cook for 1-2 minutes until the mixture thickens. Remove saucepan from heat.

  • Cool the jam completely into a glass mason jar for 15 minutes. Then close with a lid and place in the fridge to thicken.


  • Store jam for up to 4 days in a sealed jar in the fridge.

  • If the fruits you used are fresh, you can freeze the chia seed jam into ice cube trays. Thaw the portion of jam the day before in a bowl placed in the fridge.

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Serving: 1tablespoon | Calories: 10kcal | Carbohydrates: 1g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Trans Fat: 1g | Sodium: 1mg | Potassium: 8mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 5IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 6mg | Iron: 1mg

2-Ingredient Chia Seed Jam Recipe (No Sugar) (12)

About The Author


Hi, I'm Carine, the food blogger, author, recipe developer, photographer, and published author of a cookbook and founder of The Conscious Plant Kitchen with my husband Damien.Learn more about us.

2-Ingredient Chia Seed Jam Recipe (No Sugar) (2024)
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