10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (2024)

· By: Fotini · on | Updated:

10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (1)

Traditional Greek cuisine consists mainly of Vegetarian and Vegan recipes. From luscious salads to healthy oily stews, hearty homemade pies and so much more.

All cooked in a homely manner that fills your belly and keeps you going through the day. These foods are what make our everyday meals, and are also, to begin with, one of the reasons why the Greek diet is considered very healthy.

I picked my top 10 favorite Greek Vegan recipes to share with you, and hopefully broaden your everyday meal options.

You can see all of our Greek Vegan Recipes here🠪

1. Greek Yemista - Stuffed Vegetables With Rice

10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (2)

In a Vegan diet, the lack of dairy and animal protein may sometimes leave you with a growling stomach. Rice can make up for this, giving you a very satisfying and energy-boosting meal. These Rice Stuffed Veggies aka Yemista, are an absolute must in this case. They're slowly baked in the oven, stuffed with a fresh vegetable, mint, & rice filling, and potatoes on the sides. Yummy...

About 1,5 grams of protein per 100 grams of Gemista. Or 10 grams per portion.

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2. Traditional Greek Stuffed Vine Leaves

10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (3)

And if you are up for some rice-stuffed vegetables, you can give it a go and try stuffing some vine leaves for a change. These Vine Leaves are preserved in brine and are ready to be cooked. As for the filling, it's made with rice, pine nuts, and dill. Very delicious indeed. All are slowly cooked and served with a fresh lemon sauce.

About 7 grams of protein per 100 grams of Stuffed Vine Leaves.

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Beans, lentils, and peas contain about 20 grams of protein per cooked cup. And when you remove meat from your diet, well then you definitely need a good alternative source of protein.

10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (4)

This RI is based on an average human, just to give you a general idea. The numbers differ depending on age, gender, and body weight.

3. Greek Butter Beans - Gigantes Plaki

10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (5)

One of my all-time favorite dishes. Butter beans or "Gigantes" as we call them in Greece. To me, these are tastier than any other type of bean.

About 7,2 grams of protein per 100 grams of Butterbeans.

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4. Ancient Greek Lentil Soup

10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (6)

A very healthy and nutritious Lentil Soup. This recipe is pretty basic and easy to make, that goes way back in time. Lentils are also packed with iron, which makes this dish a very nutritious one by all means.

About 7 grams of protein per 100 grams of Lentils.

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5. Green Beans In Tomato Sauce - Fasolakia Ladera

10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (7)

These Green Beans are full of sweet flavor and freshness. Slowly stewed in a fresh tomato sauce, along with some potatoes. A favorite Greek weekday lunch.

About 1,8 grams of protein for every 100 grams of Green beans.

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6. Traditional Greek Stewed Green Peas

10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (8)

If you like peas as I do, then you will definitely love this recipe. And well, even if you aren't really fond of them then you may wanna give this recipe a go. The fresh tomato, along with the carrots give an extra sweetness to peas, that makes them more flavorful than ever. They taste so much better than steamed peas do. Trust me!

About 5 grams of protein for every 100 grams of Green Peas.

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7. Spanakopita" Greek Spinach Pie With Homemade Phyllo

10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (9)

Spanakopita is a well-known and well-loved Greek food. But it gets even better when you make it from scratch. Spinach is a real superfood, that's full of flavor, especially when combined with fresh herbs, olive oil, and a very crispy, homemade phyllo pastry. Not to mention you'll know exactly what the pastry is made of...

About 10 grams of protein per 100 grams of "Spanakopita"

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8. Greek Spanakorizo (Spinach Rice)

Spinach and rice are two very good friends. They combine so well together and make this dish a super energy booster. While dill and freshly squeezed lemon make it also very flavorful.

About 4 grams of protein per 100 grams of "Spanakorizo"

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And Because being a Vegan will definitely have you missing some of the greasy foods you used to love, I added these 2 favorite Greek dishes to this list as well.

9. Vegan Eggplant Gyros

10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (11)

One of the all-time- favorite Greek dishes "Gyros" comes in the form of eggplants in this recipe. Eggplants are a very flavorful meat substitute. Wrapped up in warm pita bread along with juicy tomatoes and crispy cucumber.

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10. Vegan Moussaka

10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (12)

Yes! You can have a Moussaka as well. And a truly delicious one. All you have to do is follow this inspiring Vegan Moussaka recipe!

Full Recipe Here

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  • Greek Pita Bread Recipe
  • Borlotti Beans Stew
  • Greek Grape Pudding (Moustalevria)

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10 Greek Recipes To Give A Vegan All The Protein And Energy He/She Needs (2024)
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